Chapter Four

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Third person's point of view.

Evie was back in her room getting ready for bed, she walked around her room reading from one of her books, "George Bembridge... In 1860... 1865, was... Was..." but she was so distracted that she didn't notice she'd dropped her clothes, what with missing the hook, "Oh, for heaven's sake, girl, it wasn't that good of a kiss, anyway." she said giving up and smacking one of the windows closed before moving to her mirror to brush her hair before bed.

Her book was perched on the edge of the sink, she got through maybe two strokes of brushing her hair before the book was knocked over because she'd bumped it with her hip. Sighing she set her brush down and bent and picked up the book, but when she stood up, a new face met her's in the mirror, gasping and about to scream, but the man dressed in black with a serrated claw held to her face stopped her as did his hand around her throat.

"Where is the map?" he demanded, "It's... It's... There." she stuttered out with a small head jerk. "And the key? Where is the key?" he growled next, but Evie didn't know about the box being a key. "The key? The key? What key?" she gasped out, the Hook-man raised his weapon hand about to swing down and kill Evie but Atem and Rick busting in interrupted him. The second the man saw Atem he remembered what he'd been told.

She was not to be harmed, not that they could, wanting to protect himself he pulled Evie in front of himself and held the claw-hook to her face, "Evelyn!" Rick called in worry, but the two defenders had their attention drawn away by the candle flame indicating to the open window, which showed them a new attacker, Rick aimed his guns at the new fighter and fired. The first shooter was put down but spasms triggered his gun,

Hitting a lit lantern set the couch on fire. Evie seeing an opportunity grabbed the candle and jabbed it into the Hook-man's face, she didn't expect to hit him in the eye but she wasn't concerned, Rick moving to get her, backed out with her while Atem fired shots at the second shooter that followed the first. The Hook-man was still in pain from the candle to the face, "The map! The map! I forgot the map!" Evie gasped about to go back,

But Atem exiting the room stopped her, "Relax. I'm the map? It's all up here?" she said pulling the tiny woman after her, "Oh, that's comforting."


Making it to the main deck of the boat, Rick and Atem were stuck shooting to defend as they made their way to the rail, at one point Rick was reloading as shots were being fired, Atem had put away her guns in leu of her long knives, she preferred close combat over long-distance. Rick at that point was over confident he wouldn't get shot but Evie was watching a line of bullet holes get closer and closer to Rick, and just before he was done,

She pulled him out of the way, saving him from a shot to the head. Nodding a quick thanks he continued on. Now actually at the rail, he took his bag back from her and set it down, "Can you swim?" he shouted over the noise, "Of course I can swim, if the occasion calls for it." Evie argued, "Trust me. It calls for it." he said picking her up and tossing her over, Atem rolling her eyes, stepped up behind him, "Your turn," she said,

Grabbing his waist she picked him up and tossed him in after Evie. Picking up Rick's bag along with her own, she was about to jump in as well but a Medjai warrior coming on crashed into her, collapsing to the floor, pushing up to her feet she couldn't dodge the first hit, but the second she was able to block on her forearm, with the opposite arm she punched the Medjai hard enough to knock his ass out,

Grabbing her bags again and Rick's she slung them across her body as the Warden came over screaming for her, "Amun-Ra! Amun-Ra! What are we going to do?" she held up her hands, "Wait here! I'll go get help!" she said then jumped the rail leaving his dumbass behind. 

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