Chapter Ten

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Third person's point of view.

The next morning was busy. Atem, Rick, Jonathan and Ardeth all packed what they could before heading to the airplane strip, where Rick's pilot friend was stationed. "Morning, Winston. A word?" Rick called as they all stopped before Winston's umbrella. "What's your little problem got to do with His Majesty's Royal Air Corps?" he asked, and Rick shook his head, "Not a damn thing." Winston was quick to jump up to his feet.

"Is it dangerous?" he asked and before Rick could answer Atem did, "You probably won't live through it." his smile grew, "By Jove, do you really think so?" Rick shrugged, and Atem answered, "Everybody else we've bumped into has died. Why not you?" she said then he turned to Rick, "What's the... What's the challenge, then?" he asked, "Rescue the damsel in distress, kill the bad guy, and save the world." Rick replied.

"Winston Havlock at your service, Sir." he said enthusiastically saluting. Johnathan asked how they'd all fit, and Rick smirked. Johnathan didn't like the look on Rick's face after he asked that.


Now on the plane and flying over the sand dunes on their way to Hamunaptra Rick sat back-to-back with Atem as she was the slimiest of them all and would fit in the second cockpit seat with him, Johnathan and Ardeth were strapped to the wings of the plane on either side of it. Rick looked over at Johnathan and whistled to him. "Are you all right?" he asked with a thumbs up. Johnathan looked at him and glared before shouting,

"Do I bloody look all right?" then shook his head in annoyance and looked back out in the direction of where the plane is going, Atem who shifted when Rick did in the seat was aimed at Ardeth, whistling to him, she called out and asked, "How you doing?" but he was having so much fun that he didn't answer and just kept looking ahead. She smiled and was shifted back to facing Winston's back as Rick faced out the back of the plane.

Nudging Atem he got her attention and pointed to the giant sand tornado off their left-hand side, "See that? I've never seen one so big." he called, and she smirked, "Never?" she asked, and he shook his head, "No!" she smirked to herself then turned a bit to look at Rick, "We caught up with them," she said and pointed to the tornado. He had a look of pride on his face and a bit of anger return as he was probably eager to get Evie back.


The tornado spitting out Beni and Evie sent them screaming into the hot sand, Evie landing first and then Beni dropping on top of her, smacking him she snapped sharply, "Get off me! Get off!" Beni still dizzy from the trip there and the fall grumbled out "I need a new job." then then proceeded to watch Imhotep transform back into his human form and walk back towards Hamunaptra.

"Oh, my God. We're back." Evie gasped disheartened. The sounds of a plane drew everyone's attention and Evie was filled with hope as she knew Rick and the others were coming for her, "O'Connell." she said with a smile. But her hope was quickly switched to fear as she watched Imhotep create a wall of sand that had his face in it.


Rick seeing this big wall of sand coming for them, felt panic set in, shouting to Winston, he told the pilot to fly faster. "Oh my god. Hey, Winston! Pedal faster!" Winston could see the wall of sand from his side mirror and was grinning with joy for the fun of it all, "Hang on, men!" he called and angled the plane down over the edge of the back of Hamunaptra. Johnathan and Ardeth screamed, on in fear the other in enjoyment.

Rick, with nothing but a gun, decided to fire at the wall of sand hoping it would do something. But it wasn't, it only showed to amuse Imhotep. But then the sand wall's mouth opened, and Rick was quick to lower his goggles duck into the plane to hide. Atem tried to use her powers to protect the plane but a rock among others free flying in the sand wall shot out and hit her in the head disorienting her,

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