Chapter Eight

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Third person's point of view.


Atem's first stop upon returning was to get to the library. She needed to see if it was true that the books were switched. She remembered being told that the Statue of Anubis would hold the gold book, but it was obviously not. Scouring book after book to find what she wanted and coming up empty was making her mad. And when she's mad she tends to burn things around her, "What are you looking for?" a familiar voice called.

Flinching, Atem slowly turned to see who had come in and as she looked she watched as images of her past flashed in tandem with the man's steps. "I'm looking for the location of the Gold Book of Amun-Ra." she said turning back to her books and papyrus'. "You'd think being the one who had it made, I would know where the first Medjai would hide it." she said and he didn't respond which was making her nervous.

"Why do you want to bring that book into all this," he asked, "it's already dangerous having the Book of the Dead in human hands," he added. "Well, when I had them made one was meant to control the other and vice versa," she explained, "Why would you create them in the first place, why tamper with the will of the gods," he said standing nearly pressed into her side looking down at her hunched over the table,

"As the daughter of a god, I was going through a phase, testing my powers and the limits I could push to create something that has so much power, I wasn't completely alone in their creation either, Thoth, Anubis and I were very curious creatures, we paid for the trouble we caused when my Father found out what we had made. He said the knowledge was too dangerous and needed a lock to keep it out of unknowing hands." she explained.

"I'm Ardeth Bay," he said holding his hand out to her, taking his hand she shook it and something changed behind his eyes, something woke up and he stumbled for a moment, "Ardeth?" she called as she held him up from falling over, she was going to call to him again when they were interrupted. "Mistress," Terence Bey called as he came into the library.


Rick was furiously packing Evie's things as he questioned her, "I thought you said you didn't believe in that fairy tales and hokum stuff. Shoo!" he said tossing her clothing into her suitcase, almost dropping them on her cat whom Evie had snagged out the way, "Having an encounter with a 3,000-year-old walking, talking corpse does tend to convert one." she said then put the cat down to scoop out her clothing,

Rushing to put it back in her closet forgoing the hangers to rush out and do the same thing as Rick threw in more of her clothing into the same suitcase, "Forget it. We're out the door, down the hall, and we're gone." he said throwing her bras and other more delicates in flicking them off his fingers when they got stuck, "Oh, no, we are not." she countered grabbing everything and putting back in the draw it was pulled from,

"Oh, yes, we are." he said back, "Oh, no, we are not. We woke him up, and we are going to stop him." she quipped still relatively calm. "We? What we?" Rick snapped as he dropped in books this time, "We didn't read that book. I told you not to play around with that thing. Didn't I tell you not to play around with that thing?" he growled pointing a finger at her. "Yes, right then, me, me, me, me. I, I, I woke him up and I intend to stop him." she said while retrieving the books,

Only to have to take the new set thrown in, "Yeah? How? You heard the man. No mortal weapons can kill this guy." Rick added having quoted Ardeth while he went for the typewriter, "Then we are just going to have to find some immortal ones." Evie intercepted him though and dropped her typewriter back from where it was taken. Rick finally stopped and hand his hand resting on the rim of the suitcase, "There goes that we again." he mused annoyingly.

Evie then closed the suitcase not paying attention to Rick's fingers as they were hit hard, "Look, will you listen to me? We have to do something. Once this creature has been reborn, his curse is going to spread until the whole of the Earth is destroyed." Evie was so focused on her point she didn't even register his shout of pain. "Yeah? Is that my problem?" he said now following her around the room, "It is everybody's problem." she said back,

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