Chapter Nine

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Third person's point of view.

"We must stop him from regenerating." Evie said like it wasn't already obvious, "Who opened that chest?" Atem asked looking to the two Americans, "There was me and Daniels here. And Burns, of course." the blonde said, "And that Egyptologist fellow." Daniels added, then Rick from the window asked, "What about my buddy, Beni?" Daniels was the one to answer, "No, he scrammed out of there before we opened the thing." 

"Yeah, he was the smart one." the blonde chuckled out, "Yeah, that sounds like Beni." Rick agreed. "We must find the Egyptologist and bring him back to the safety of the fort before the creature can get to him." Evie said bringing the conversation back a bit. Atem nodded, "Right. She stays here. You four, come with me." Atem ordered and the whole room exploded. "Not me..." one American snapped, 

"No, no!" the other added, "Just a minute! You can't leave me behind like some old carpetbag. Who put you in charge, Hena?!" Evie shouted as Atem walked towards her taking off her hat and picking Evie up and slung her over her shoulder, "What do you think you are doing? Hena!! Jonathan! O'Connell!" Evie shouted trying to get the two guys to help her but none would were brave enough to stop Atem. 

"Sorry, but she's scary." Jonathan said, Atem walked into Evie's room as the tiny woman shouted at her brother, "Jonathan, coward that you are...!" tossing her onto her bed, Atem walked out faster than Evie could keep up and closed the doors on her, "Atem! you are not leaving me in here! Jonathan, if you don't open this door in one minute flat... Atem..." Evie had stopped using her nickname for Atem and was back to calling her by her first name. 

Grabbing Daniels she stood him in front of the doors, "This door doesn't open." she snapped fear was evident on his eyes as he and everyone ignored Evie's shouts, "She doesn't come out, and no one goes in, right?" she said looking deep into Daniels eyes, waiting for an answer, "Right." he said and she looked to the other one, "Right?" the blonde swallowed what he was eating and nodded, "Right." she dropped the key into Daniels hand, 

"Atem! O'Connell! Jonathan!" Evie was still shouting but no one was listening, "Let's go, Rick, Jonathan." she said as she moved to the door where her things were, "Oh, I thought I could just a stay at the fort and reconnoiter." he said trying to get out of going, but Atem was ready with her weapons and wasn't playing around, "Now!" she snapped as her and Rick were already walking down the hall,

"Yeah, right. We're just gonna rescue the Egyptologist."


Arriving at the Egyptologist's office, they were met with an open door and Beni looking for something. "Well, well, well. Let me guess. Spring cleaning?" Rick said taking charge as he knows Beni the most, Beni about to take off out the window, Atem stopped him. A wall of flames erupted and Beni skidded to a stop but tripped on things he'd thrown and stopped three inches in front of the wall of flames. 

"Oh, Beni, did you fall down? Let me help you up. You came back from the desert with a new friend, didn't you, Beni?" Rick said as he helped Beni up the man's eyes flickering between Rick and Atem, two different variations of fear in his eyes when he looked at them, Rick snapped throwing Beni against a filing cabinet. "What friend? You are my only friend." Beni groaned, "What the hell are you doing with this creep?" Rick asked tossing Beni into a stacked of boxes.

"What's in it for you?" Rick snapped throwing Beni onto the desk. "It is better to be the right hand of the devil than in his path. As long as I serve him, I am immune." Beni said, which earned him another slam into a metal shelf, "Immune from what?" Rick growled but Beni muttered something in Hungarian, "What did you say?" Rick snapped not knowing the language, "I don't wanna tell you. You'll just hurt me some more." Beni said weakly,

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