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The ice crystals descended in a flurry, flourishing the heap of white powder which gathered around the corners of the window sill. It registered in her brain that it was snowing but not that she was supposed to be in Nigeria.

She found herself drifting out of her room and down the stairs in noiseless steps. The living room came into view, her eyes first landing on the electronic fireplace.

It registered in her brain that the flames looked inviting but not that they were real.

The clock ticked away without ticks as she rounded a corner which lead to the dinning area; filled with domestic staffs preparing a feast.

The word 'Christmas' registered as she walked past the domestic workers who chattered on without words.

The fine China plates landed on the glass table with a deafening muteness; spoons, forks, and wine glasses following suite.

The chill bit through her face the moment she stepped out the front door, tiny flakes landing on her nose and caressing her cheeks before surrendering back to their original form and falling off her skin in droplets.

She was aware of her feet pushing in and out of the snow covered yard. Aware of the unusual pine trees-coated in snow-flanking around the sides of a questionable path paved through the snow, eerily inviting her into what seemed to be a forest.

She was aware but unbothered by the pigeons flying around without their usual flapping.

As she strolled on, she picked up a faint, if not almost non-existent, sound-like that of rushing water. It became clearer as she moved into the forest, coming to a complete halt when she saw a girl seated on a rock, her back to her.

The girl wore a red dress, a reddish orange which brought to mind flames-just like the ones she'd seen in the fireplace earlier; if only she remembered.

The sound had returned, but this time accompanied by male and female voices, an octave louder.

She felt her legs moving back even though she was curious to find out who the girl was. Just as she was about to turn and make a run for it, the girl's neck snapped to her.

She took time to process the dainty snow white face, lacking any trace of blood, with a button nose and tiny lips tilted down in what appeared to be a frown even though the girl seemed to be smiling.

It'd been a year, or was it two? Her brain didn't seem to be working but the name 'Katherine' still popped up.

She turned around and dashed towards the direction she came from in a mad rush when Katherine produced a knife from behind her.

The sound in the background had grown louder. She recognized it as Carol of the Bells.

She kept running with Katherine hot on her trails, the music becoming louder by the second. She made it to the taupe duplex and rushed to the window.

The rest of the family had gathered for the Christmas feast, everyone wearing smiles along with their winter coats. She banged against the window, screaming as Katherine got closer.

She could feel the rush of adrenaline but it didn't work as her screams were drowned underneath the deafening sounds of Carol of the Bells. Through the glass, she saw Katherine's approaching figure.

Mmachi looked up at that moment and she yelled louder, hitting her hands against the window until it should have hurt. Mmachi smiled at her, mouthing 'Merry Christmas', just as Katherine appeared behind her and swung the knife back before thrusting it into her body...

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