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Startled, Chidiogo stumbled backwards. A misstep sent her crashing down and landing on her butt. She didn't bother about the pain coursing through her lower back as she scrambled away from Mmachi who drew closer to her until her back hit a wall.

It was a dead end. There was nowhere to go. She remained in the same position, her heart running a marathon, as Mmachi bent to her level.

Mmachi gave Chidiogo a once-over as she tried to hide the amusement on her face. "What's up Princess? What a surprise to see you here. I'm pretty sure you weren't by any chance following me. Or were you?"

Chidiogo tried her best to scoot away from Mmachi. Mmachi's lips spread apart, revealing pearly white teeth, as she watched Chidiogo's pathetic attempt to get away from her.

"What a shame," Mmachi started, shaking her head, "After everything you'll call me the stalker. You know, I could hear your footsteps right from the moment you started following me. The least you could have done was to be subtle."

She let out a tsk before continuing.

"Assuming I was the supposed stalker who wanted you dead, I would have led you into a very secluded area and it would have been extremely easy to kill you there. After all, I've been in this school for five years.

"I know every secret path and all the hidden places. I know just the book to pull out of the shelf at the library to open a secret passage and you know, all that shit we see movies. Technically, I would also know that this is just the right place to kill you."

The last words rolled off Mmachi's tongue casually but sent chills running through Chidiogo. She could already feel sweat trickling down her neck as she glanced around.

There was no way she could run. She was cornered and Mmachi was by far stronger than she was. Granted she by chance had any weapon, Chidiogo stood absolutely no chance. As she was still trying to think of a way to escape, Mmachi let out a sigh, springing back to her feet.

"But it's not worth it," she said, walking away.

Chidiogo remained crouched on the floor several minutes after she left. It took Amelia's voice to send both her heart and body flying up.

"Why are you sitting on the floor? And why did you just disappear into thin air? I've been looking for you since you ditched me at the door and left me to enter the hall on my own."

Chidiogo didn't bother uttering a word before stalking past Amelia and heading in the direction she had come from.

"Hey! I'm talking to you!" Amelia yelled, running after Chidiogo.

She caught up with her in no time.

"What's wrong with you?" Amelia asked.

No answer.

"Did someone say something to you?"

More silence.

"Were you attacked again?"

The words finally halted Chidiogo and she turned to look at Amelia.

"I have a question."

Chidiogo's response threw Amelia off a bit but she nodded, worrying her lips as she waited for Chidiogo to continue speaking.

"I need the truth and nothing but the absolute truth." Amelia's brows pinched the skin between them but she still nodded. "Do you have any idea where Mmachi goes at night and why she comes back with those scary injuries all the time?"

Amelia worked her lips between her teeth, staring off into the space behind Chidiogo before shaking her head slowly.

"Are you sure? You don't have any single idea at all?"

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