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Kamsi's lips parted a bit the moment her widened eyes fell on Chidiogo. She stared at her for a few seconds before blinking. At that same moment, she let go of Amarachi's hand, almost pushing it away as if it burned her.

She turned to Chidiogo afterwards, the firm smile on her face a contrast to her entire demeanor. She clasped her hands together, as it that would stop them from shaking, as she approached Chidiogo.

"H-h-hey..." She cleared her throat. Her next words came out rushed. "Mmachi I was just-"


She blinked at Chidiogo-whose face remained deadpan-for a while before sighing. "Oh, it's you."

She glanced over at Amarachi, who was still sulking, before speaking again. "I was just telling Amara something. She seemed very upset when I met her here and... I just couldn't bear to see her like that."

She lowered her eyes for a second, her lips trembling. Unshed tears made her eyes shiny but they disappeared in a single blink. She sniffed before putting on a smile.

Chidiogo just stared at her; face straight, lips unmoving.

"But she's been like that a while." Kamsi glanced at Amarachi with wistful eyes. She stared at her for a while before turning back to Chidiogo as if just realizing that she was still standing there.

"What brings you here anyway? There's no prep today."

"I could ask you the same question."

"Oh... Yeah... I... My book. I came to get my book." A smile graced her face after her words.

"Where is it?"

Kamsi looked around as if realizing that nothing was in her hands. "Oh..." She face-palmed herself.

"Silly me, I was so distracted I forgot why I even came here. On my way here I saw Amara and the thing just"-she flipped her right hand to demonstrate-"flew right out of my head. Funny right?"

She chuckled afterwards, a short one which died out when she realized she was the only one laughing.

"Why don't we go back to the hostel?" she asked when she got uncomfortable with Chidiogo's stare.

"Let me first check on Amara."

Before Kamsi could reply, Chidiogo started heading in Amarachi's direction. Kamsi grabbed her hand just as she walked past her, her nails digging into her skin. Chidiogo winced. She tried to free herself from Kamsi's grip but Kamsi released her hand almost at the same moment.

"Oh my..." Kamsi's hands flew up to cover her mouth. "I'm soooo sorry. I didn't mean to... I-"

"It's alright," Chidiogo said, forcing a smile.

She turned again but Kamsi's voice stopped her this time.

"She isn't going to budge. Why don't you just leave her!?"

Chidiogo turned to face her with raised brows.

"Let's just go back to the hostel."

She tried to grab Chidiogo's hand again but Chidiogo stopped her.

"Give me a minute." The words escaped through her clenched teeth and tight smile as she removed Kamsi's hand from her wrist.

Kamsi returned the smile but she noticed the way the end of her lips twitched and the not-so subtle glare Kamsi gave her.

She ignored it and walked to the marble bench where Amarachi still hugged her knees while rocking herself.

Chidiogo touched Amarachi's arm in an attempt to get her attention but she flinched and scooted to the extreme edge of the bench, her dilated eyes not leaving Chidiogo for a second.

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