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The class became noisy the moment the Economics teacher stepped out. Sounds of shuffling seats, exiting footsteps and chatter, dethroned the silence which had taken presidence during the length of the teacher's stay.

Chidiogo slammed her Economics textbook shut—the sound drowned out in the noisy classroom—before letting out a sigh.

She turned on hearing Chikaima's voice and found both Sky and Chikaima staring at her.

Sky wasn't in their class but since the Economics and Geography classes were held in the same period, the Economic students came together in the C.A. class for the period while the Geography students assembled in the C.O. class.

Since Mmachi and Amelia both didn't offer Economics, they weren't present in the class. Mmachi would return any moment from her Geography class and Amelia would have started making her way back from the library, since she didn't offer either of the subjects.

Kamsi also wasn't present in the class which was odd since she did offer Economics but Chidiogo couldn't have been more grateful for her absence. The last thing she needed was any form of confrontation.

"I noticed you've been absent since the beginning of class, anything wrong?" Sky asked, staring at Chidiogo.

Chidiogo shook her head, a bit too tired for words. She understood what Sky meant by her being 'absent' but she didn't want to come up with an explanation since she couldn't even give one to herself.

She'd been distracted for half the class and found herself staring at Justin way too many times, her head swirling with images of the first time they kissed and she couldn't help wanting to feel his lips on hers again.

It didn't help that he sat on the desk right next to theirs.

"Right." The word came out dragged and something in the way Sky stared at Chidiogo made it obvious that she didn't believe her but Chidiogo waved it aside.

Sky was a nice person and even though her and Chidiogo had grown quite close over the course of a few days, she didn't have to know everything.

"I wanted to ask though, this assignment, it's—"

"Hey guys."

Chidiogo looked up to see Justin smiling down at them. She felt her heart do a flip and for a moment she felt confused.

She turned back to Sky who didn't look very pleased by Justin's interruption before returning her attention to him.

"Hey." A broad smile lit Chidiogo's face as she spoke, "How are you doing?"

"Great. I just decided to check on you. Sorry I haven't really asked how you've been doing for—"

"It's okay, no problem at all. You shouldn't even be apologizing."

"I know but—"

"No buts, there's no need to apologize okay?"

Her hand itched to find his, to have their fingers intertwined and her head reveling in the warmth he had to offer but she kept her hands to herself, curling her fingers and tucking her hands away while she gave off a broad smile instead.

He smiled back before responding, "Okay."

Just then, they heard Sky's voice and Chidiogo was reminded of her presence.


A wide smile was plastered to Sky's face as she stared up at Justin.

"Hi . . . We've met before right?"

"Yeah, she's the one that took me to the school clinic. She's in your class." Chidiogo beat Sky to giving a reply.

"Oh, right! I haven't seen her around before though . . ."

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