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"If Amelia doesn't show up in the next minute, I'm out of here!"

Chidiogo ignored Mmachi's whining, her eyes tracing the perimeter of land within sight. Trim bushes surrounded them at all sides, with trees the size of shrubs bordering them.

In the distance she could make out a white building, large with oversized pillars. The lights in the rooms inside the house were visible from where she stood, looking more like golden square dots because of the distance.

Chidiogo kept looking around as Chikaima replied Mmachi.

"I'll give her a call and know where she is."

Mmachi muttered something under her breath, crossing her arms over her large white shirt. Chidiogo still couldn't understand why she chose to dress like that.

The shirt swallowed her, blocking her shorts from sight. It had seventeen printed across the back and sleeves but apart from that, it was pretty plain.

Her hair fell across the sides of her face as usual and somehow she still bagged the look. Chidogo on the other hand had on a cropped white shirt and rugged jeans, her braids pulled up in a bun.

Chikaima pulled off her usual oversized shirt and jeggings while Kamsi was no where to be found. Justin and Paschal just had on beach tops and khakis.

Chikaima put down her phone for the third time before facing them and shaking her head. Mmachi sighed, running her palm down her face. She paced around for a minute and was just about a second from exploding when Amelia joined them.

Her cream, one sleeved wooly crop top had a few leaves sticking to it. She plucked it out absentmindedly as she spoke.

"Okay! Let's go in."

"About time," Mmachi muttered, brushing by Amelia.

Amelia stared at her with a wrinkled face for a moment before waving her off.

"This way," she said, spinning around with a force which made Chidiogo almost certain that her leather mini skirt would split open considering the way it clung to her like a second skin.

Much to Chidiogo's surprise, no such thing happened as Amelia crossed her legs over a small babble wire fence, careful not to let it tear her black host.

The rest of them mirrored her action before following her down a rocky part. The rocks crunched underneath her boots, giving direction even when she was no longer in sight.

They met Sky on the way and she joined them, much to Mmachi's dismay. Most of them remained silent throughout the walk. The only voices heard were that of Mmachi and Justin whispering something to themselves.

"You guys should wait here let me call Voile," Amelia said, halting all of a sudden.

They all stopped when she did, the crunching of rocks seizing for a moment. Mmachi sent Amelia a glare before speaking.

"Why doesn't she just come out and lead the way since she decided to build a fucking maze for a garden!?"

"Mmachi, can you chill?"

The frustration in Amelia's voice matched Mmachi's own.

"Don't tell me what to do! You're the reason we're in this situation to begin with!"

Amelia stared at Mmachi for a long while. Her lips parted but she pressed them together at the same moment. She released a sigh afterwards, muttering 'excuse me'. She exited before anyone could say anything else.

Everyone remained quiet, with Mmachi still pacing around. Chikaima squatted to the level of the kerbs lining a sand bed. She made a seat out of it, pushing her legs out on the rocky terrain.

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