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Dark brown eyes and pink lips greeted Chidiogo the moment she opened her eyes. She blinked, trying to clear her bleary eyes.

"She's awake."

A voice announced before another pair of eyes came into sight, staring down at her. It took a while for her to make out Justin and Amelia's faces.

"Let me go inform the others," Amelia said.

Justin nodded in response but she already had her back to him and was out the door in no time. Silence shrouded the both of them the moment the door slammed shut.

Chidiogo tried to avoid his gaze, aware of his hands on hers, as she took the chance to observe her environment. Wooden decorative panelled walls surrounded her, several paintings covering them-familiar paintings at that.

Her eyes roamed around, taking in the mahogany reading desk, the adjacent wall almost covered entirely by a window with a transparent white curtain shielding it and two thick brown curtains hanging on either sides of it.

Her brain seemed to be lagging but the place looked so much like her room.

"Where am I?" she asked, reverting her gaze to Justin who had just been staring at her without uttering a word.

"In your room," he answered, his voice plain.

"How did I-"

Justin placed his pointer on her lips, preventing any more words from coming out. She sucked in a breath at the action, her heart picking up pace.

His finger left her lips in no time and soon his voice filled the air.

"You shouldn't be talking. You should try and get some rest. I'll leave now."

His hands left hers as he stood up. He started turning but she held onto his hand, preventing his movement. He turned to her, quirking a brow as he moved his eyes between her hand on his and her face.

She let go of his hands, recoiling her fingers.

"S-sorry about that. I just wanted to know . . . Can you stay a while longer?"

He stared at her without uttering any word. Just when she was sure he wouldn't speak, he sighed, plopping down on the side of her bed where he was seated before.

"I need to go find Mmachi. She looked pretty upset about everything that happened and what you said . . ." He trailed off. "I need to check if she's alright."

Chidiogo pursed her lips at his words.

"You don't believe that she's the one responsible for my state?"

"I don't."

His face was deadpan as he spoke. Chidiogo forced a nod and a smile. Her voice came out strangled when she spoke.


Justin ran his hand through his hair, tousling the already disarranged mass of light brown.

"Look," he started, placing his hands on the bed, "I don't know what made you believe that she's the one behind it but I'm a hundred percent sure that she has nothing to do with it. I-"


Her eyes were pinned to the ceiling as she spoke, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Didn't you want me to stay earlier?"

She squeezed her eyes shut on hearing his words, cursing herself for not being able to get a hold on her feelings.

"I know it's hard to believe it but even if you think you're right, just keep an open mind. Try to remember anything that could help because if it turns out that you were wrong about Mmachi, then your life is still in danger since for all you know; the attacker might just be the person you trust the most."

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