An Icy Escape

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Renata shakes me awake, I knew it was time to get up. I've been so tired lately, you could see it because of my eyes. Purple circles because of the tests Director Herzog performs. My horns and spinal spikes are also a side effect, the children are suspicious of it.

"Lumi, we have to get going now," Renata said, waiting at the door. I nodded, hurrying to change. As we walked out most of the other orphans were hanging about. Some talking the others starting to walk away.

"Where's Z? I told him to get up!" Renata said, sighing sadly. After a few minutes of standing in the cold, snowy weather, Z finally showed his face.

"Today is important Z, it's training for the Capital," Renata said, Z smiled at her gently then looked at me.

"Lumi, I would like to speak with Renata for a moment. Won't you retrieve the present from under that tree?" He asked, pointing to a tree downhill. I rolled my eyes and walked towards the present. I carried it to the sled Renata and I will be riding on.

I yawned as I waited for Renata to finish up her conversation with Z. I ended up dozing off, not realizing it at the time, I had a daydream. It wasn't a pleasant dream, it was a terrible one. A vision of bloody snow and a tree aflame filled my mind. Something was going to happen, something bad.

"Lumi?" Renata asked, shaking me awake. We were at the ice bridge, just a walk away from training.

"Sorry, I, uh, dozed off," I said, smiling at her. She nodded, still a little worried, then we ran towards training. It was going to be close, but we would make it.

Then out of nowhere, Anton and Khorkina appeared. The sudden appearance causes Renata to run into Khorkina.

"Renata are you alright?" I asked, she nods then apologizes.

"Do you mean it?" She taunted, her tossing her pink hair over her shoulder. I glared at the stuck-up little human... wait... I'm human I shouldn't be saying that.

"Yes, I'm sorry," Renata said as she tucked a strand of blonde hair behind her ear.

"Spoiled kid, you've never had to apologize, have you? There's no way either of you will go to the capital." Anton said, causing Khorkina to giggle.

"Go now, Director Herzog awaits," Khorkina said, her now smug look turned to disgust. They ran off, Renata bit her lip slightly before continuing.

"Hey, why are there only two of you? Where's Z?" Director Herzog asked, fixing his monocle? Renata laughed a bit, before handing him the card we signed.

"Z isn't feeling well. But he'll be fine, look, we made this Christmas card for you." She said, smiling. He smiles back at her, then takes the card.

"Alright Lumi, my daughter, it's time for training. Be careful and stay in control. Don't do what makes you uncomfortable." He said, patting my shoulder. He smiled at me, and I smiled back, he was a good man.

I held up my hand, ice crystals began to form around me. Small ones signifying that I was about to attack. The small crystals flung through the air, destroying all the dummies.

"Good job, Lumi!" Director Herzog said, smiling widely. I was just doing what was expected of me. I look over at Anton, he had a smug look on his face, was he planning something?

"Let's go Lumi." She said, taking my hand. We walk towards the bridge, and we heard Anton give a snarky comment.

"Wow, so long for such a simple test." He bragged, his eyes turned gold and a golden light surrounded his body and the wind picked up. Small flurries whipped against our faces. I saw that the robots had been lifted into the air. Then, Anton lost control of whatever he was doing and sent the robot towards me.

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