A Trip To Japan

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Principal Anjou had debriefed us about a Dragon Lord embryo being found in the Sea of Japan. We were to work with the Japan Branch of Cassell College to exterminate the embryo. Some part of me deep down felt loyal to the Dragon Lord embryo, I couldn't explain it.

"What you're feeling is normal. You are both dragons so you have a strong bond with most dragons." Johann said, walking me to the meeting spot. Caesar had placed him in charge of watching me, he doesn't seem to enjoy being my "bodyguard".

"Like Colby, that little dragon that the College is taking care of," I said, looking up at the raven-haired boy. He nodded his head, then handed me an earring.

"It's a tracker, in case you're lost and we can't find you. It's connected to my phone." He said, holding up his phone, there was a small little red blip on it. I placed the earring on my right ear, then smiled at Johann.

"You take this 'watch the Dragon Lord' job seriously, don't you?" I asked. He nods in response then deposited his phone in his pocket. Caesar and Luminous were speaking with NoNo, the red-haired girl I had helped yesterday. She spots me then runs over and hugs me.

"I'm really glad you are okay, you may be a Dragon Lord but I still consider you a friend. Will you watch Luminous for me? I trust Caesar, but I would like another pair of eyes on him." She asked, giving me the puppy eyes, which I couldn't say no to.

"S-Sure... I'll do that." Luminous' cheeks turned red, then turned away from me. He seemed embarrassed that NoNo wanted someone to watch him. Caesar began to talk with NoNo, saying his goodbyes with Luminous, who I think loves NoNo. Johann was leaning against the post, staring at the group.

--In Japan--

We stood outside, I had changed into more comfortable clothes for the plane ride. Before we came to Headquarters, Luminous, Caesar, and Johaan had changed into kimonos. I didn't have one, and I didn't have any money to use. I honestly wanted to go shopping for one, but stupid Johann decided that it wouldn't be a good idea. Luckily, NoNo's friends had given me one before we left the plane. The back was cut out because of my spinal spikes, which seemed to catch most of the Chief's attention.

"Welcome, delegates from Cassell College, and..." The Clan Chief said, staring at me with curious eyes. Johann stepped in front of me, keeping me out of view from him.

"She seems different from a human," Masumane Tachibana said, staring at the boys. Out of fear, I grabbed onto Johann's sleeve. Everyone around us was glaring at me, and it was scaring me. It seemed like they could kill me with their eyes. Caesar received a call from EVA, we don't know what about, but he kept replying with "yes" and "alright".

"My superior told me it was alright to tell you. Lumille, or known as Lumi, is a Dragon Lord under my superior's protection. You cause any harm to her, we have reason to attack." Caesar said, receiving shocked looks from the Chiefs.

"What? A Dragon Lord! Why on earth would he keep a dangerous being like that? She could lose control." Nanami Sakurai said, putting a hand on her weapon. Johann noticed this and drew his sword, causing everyone to draw their weapons.

"Will you guys calm the hell down? You act like I can't easily wipe every single one of you out." I spat, receiving a disdainful look from everyone.

"If you guys wanted, I would let you kill me, but I apparently serve some purpose for the College. I suggest you guys be civil and not cause trouble." I said, somehow defusing the situation. Masumune began to laugh, and the tense air dissipated.

"You are correct, Lumille the Dragon Lord. There is probably not a possible way to take you down, yet." His voice seemed sinister but his face looked as if he recognized me. There was a slight scar under his eye, the scar placement, I've seen it somewhere before. I'm pretty sure I... know him.

"Now, why don't we get started with the meeting?" Masumune said, smiling gently at us. Chisei Gen mentioned that the Chief of the Uesugi hasn't arrived. He left for a few minutes, then came back with a beautiful young lady.

Her long, orange hair gently drifted behind her. Her posture was perfect and straight, she kept herself poised. Her orange eyes seemed strangely devoid of emotion, but her face represented that of a child. When she sat down, she pulled out a gaming device, which made most of the chiefs chuckle a little.

"Now that everyone is here, we can start."

--Skipping the entire meeting--

"My son, Chisei, will divide you into teams. You will each be on a mission with a clan chief. Son, would you mind separating them." Masumane said, looking at the tired-looking Chisei.

"I will after I test them. Choose an opponent and we'll begin." Chisei said, as four men came out from nowhere. Caesar chose the Fuma Clan member.

"I guess I'll be sitting out?" I asked Johann, who nodded slightly. I stood out of the way and watched them fight the Fuma men.

"Okay, now that I've got a sample of your abilities. Mr. Gattuso you will be with the Inuyama Clan, Mr. Lu and Mr. Chu, you will be with the Fuma Clan Search Team--"

Luminous interrupted saying, "Senpai we're going to be with the ninja! They exist, they really do!" I guess he was excited, although, Johann wasn't that excited.

"And you, Lumille, will be with me."

"That isn't acceptable," Johann said, I turned to him, shocked at what he said. Chisei gave him a confused look.

"Why? She is perfectly safe with me, and my assistant." Chisei said. At the moment he mentioned her, a suited woman with short black to purple hair appeared behind him.

"Johann, she'll be fine," Caesar said, wrapping his arms around Johann's shoulders. He whispered something into his ear. I couldn't hear, even with my enhanced hearing.

After a while, he glared at Chisei before muttering "fine". He looked at me, for some reason, the cold "emotionless" killboy had a worried look on his face. He left with the Fuma Clan chief and I stayed with Chisei and his lady. We walked to a river where we would be going against a man named Akira Sakurai.

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