A Walk Through Chizuru

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After the mission, Chisei took me back to Headquarters where the boys were waiting. Johann instantly came over to check on me, which was strange. I didn't do anything that would hurt me, I guess he just doesn't want to be responsible for any major injuries. Anyway, Erii went missing and we were told not to help look for her but we did anyway. Chisei reprimanded us for it, then Caesar managed to convince him to let us walk around Japan. He took us to a small part called Chizuru, there were a lot of fun things to do.

Of course, I wasn't allowed to be alone so Johann followed me everywhere. From a sweets shop to a street ramen shop, which seemed a little sketchy. I had to be careful when eating, I didn't want to spill anything on my kimono. During the exploration, I ended up being separated from Johann, which wasn't a totally bad idea. I mean, he could still see where I was on his phone. I managed to find my way to an octopus pellet stand where a nice young lady was working. I asked if I could have a pack and she agreed.

"Gosh, these are delicious!" I stated out loud, munching down on some more. She giggled and we began to have a nice conversation.

"My name is Lumille, but you can call me Lumi. What's yours?" I asked, tossing the last bits of octopus pellets in my mouth.

"I'm Makoto Asou, I'm glad that you liked my food." She said, smiling widely at me. During our conversation, a young man came up to us angrily and smug

"Hey, you owe us protection money. Give it to me now or die." He said, pointing to his sword. I stepped in from of Miss Makoto and glared at the man.

"Excuse me, that is rude. You should apologize." I said, poking the man in the chest. He glared at me, then looked at the almost tearing-up Makoto. He grabbed my neck the shoved me back into the chainlink fence behind us.

"Who are you to be butting into business, hm? You're not from around here." He said, squeezing my throat. I would use my powers, but I'm not allowed to use them against humans, only hybrids. Please, boys, hurry up.

"Stop it, you'll kill her, stop!" Miss Makoto screamed. I grabbed the man's wrist and was about to break it off when a shot fired. The man jumped back, letting go of my neck, and looked in the direction it came from. I fell onto my knees, gasping for air.

"Didn't your mother ever teach you not to hit a lady even with a flower? And in my presence no less." Caesar asked, resting his gun on his shoulder. Johann's eyes were blazing, was he upset? I hope he wasn't mad at me for suddenly disappearing on him. They fought the man and his friends off, protecting Miss Makoto.

"Makoto, are you alright?" I asked, wiping her teary face with a handkerchief. She nods, then looks down at my neck, a giant bruise was forming.

"Nevermind me, what about you?" She asked, still looking at the bruise. Johann came to my side, pulling my chin up to examine the bruise. His fingers were cold, but they felt nice against the bruise.

"Johann, I'm fine," I said, touching his hands slightly. He quickly pulled his hands away, I stared at him with curiosity. He was a strange boy, caring one minute then acting as I burned him the next. I wish he would make up his mind on how to act around me.

Caesar talked with Miss Makoto for a while. We tried some more octopus pellets. He also began to ask Chisei if he had any dreams, he responded by selling sunscreen at a Nude Beach. I've never even heard of a nude beach.

"Hey, Johann, what's a nude beach?" I asked, he looked down at me then rubbed his head.

"It's a beach for naked people. You go there to tan naked or something." He said, his cheeks a little red. My face turned hot, naked people? Does that mean both men and women? That's absurd, I could never do that.

"Boss, these are the jerks!" The young man was back with even more friends. But during the fight, the leader noticed that it was Chisei and he ran with his tail between his legs. What a coward.

"Well, you all have an SS rank mission tomorrow, better get some rest," Chisei said, but Caesar was disappointed.

"What? Already? I haven't even got to drink yet." Caesar said, I rolled my eyes. Eventually, Luminous and I ran ahead of the group. Which Johann didn't appreciate.

When we ran out into the road, a car almost hit us. We laughed a bit then continued our trek downtown. When we stopped, Luminous called for them, Johann joined us. There were shooting stars across the sky. I closed my eyes and silently made a wish. When I opened them, I noticed Johann staring at me.

"Want to know what I wished for?" I said, elbowing him. He just looked away and we walked back to headquarters to rest.

Johann and I shared a room since he was my bodyguard. Or watchman, or executioner. There were bedrooms on the floor, I guess the Japanese like sleeping on the floor. I sighed, took some pajamas to the bathroom, I needed a bath. I shut the doors, which were also weird screen doors. I ran the bathwater and undressed. When the steaming water was filled I stepped into it carefully. The water stung my skin a bit, but soon I was used to it. I tied up my hair and lowered myself, neck-deep into the water. I sighed happily, feeling the bruises starting to heal already. I haven't bathed in hot water before, it was only cold and I didn't have time to at the College.

The screen door started to open. Since my bathtub was covered by a dressing screen, no one could see me. I know it was Johann by the scent.

"Johann, are you alright?" I asked, peeking around the screen. He left the bathroom without saying anything. Well, that was weird, I thought as I began to relax again.

I dried off and changed into my pajama when a wave of nausea hit me. I sat by the toilet, feeling sick to my stomach. I remember now that I hadn't been anything except those octopus pellets, probably not a good idea. Johann came into the bathroom again, seeing me next to the toilet alarmed him.

"Can you bring me some water, or maybe some actual food? I haven't had anything to eat except the pellets." I asked, smiling at him. He nodded and left me alone in our room. I smiled to myself my face a little red, he's such a cutie.

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