A Blizzard of Emotions

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Johann Chu and Caesar were arguing for a few minutes, it was quite enjoyable. But then a roar echoed across the sky, all of us looked as a giant icy-blue dragon rose from below us. Johaan launched himself into the sky, attacking the beast. Throughout his whole fight, my eyes never left him, he was amazing.

"Wow..." I said out loud again, Caesar saw me staring and smiled slyly. I tore my eyes away from the fight, embarrassed that I was caught.

"Johann can be amazing, but he's such a cold-hearted jerk! He never listens to when someone is talking or when he's given commands. It's so hard to work with him." Caesar said, pulling me back as the dragon fell to the ground. We were going to see if Johaan was okay, but the dragon stood up shaking its head. It took off to the sky, taking NoNo with it.

I jumped through the portal, my back beginning to hurt. Something was drawing me towards the dragon, but the dragon also didn't feel real, it didn't have any life force behind it. I followed it through the color-changing tunnel, then we were at a tower. It shot giant icicles at me, which were real and cold.

"I can do that too!" I shouted, hurling one of them back at the dragon. It avoided and flew high up in the sky, it disappeared in the clouds. I ran through the tower, defeating the Dragon Mage, and made it to a balcony. The night sky appeared, I must have woken up in the afternoon. Two statues I hadn't seen before were carved into the mountain. It was of a dragon and a dragon slayer, it was like a remembrance of a long-fought battle.

The dragon came flying out not two minutes later, carrying a frozen NoNo. The sight of it reminded me of being in the ocean, I won't let her be like that. I'm going to show this dragon who the real ice dragon is.

Lumille fought the dragon, each of them sending torrents of ice at each other. Eventually, Lumille was exhausted from the fight, she felt weaker. She fell onto her knees, the ground below her began to freeze. Blue and white scales grew along her arms and legs, her breath froze everything around her. A tail and wings grew from her body, she glared at the dragon, charging at it, dodging its attacks. Then she appeared at its head, she touched it, and she instantly knew it was nothing more than a hologram.

"I'll show you a real dragon." She said, then the dragon's body exploded in an ice spike column and disappeared as a hologram would.

I slowly and gently floated towards the ground, Principal Anjou had appeared. I closed my eyes and calmed down my nerves. The wings, tail, and scales receded into my body, returning me to my normal form. I sit down, then ended up lying back, I was tired. Anjou came over to me, sat me up, and looked at me.

"Good job, you kept it under control." He said, smiling a little. The moment that passed between us reminded me of my relationship with Director Herzog. Director Herzog was my father, I missed him, he taught me things I've never known about. I wish that I could be like that again, back at Black Swan Bay with my orphan siblings.

"Anyway, you should talk to Luminous, we'll make sure NoNo is alright." He said, lifting me. I nodded and walked over to where Luminous was standing.

"Good job, Lumi, I didn't expect you to be so calm... and scary." He said, rubbing his head. I smiled at him, I watched as they broke NoNo from the ice.

"I can't believe that you did so well. I was scared, too afraid to move, my freshmen year." He said, holding out his hand.

"Welcome to Cassell College." He said, smiling brightly. I took his hand and smiled back, he was so nice. Much nicer than Johann Chu and Caesar, both were scary and intimidating.

"Lumille, I've come to show you to the room you will be staying in," EVA stated, popping up beside us. It kind of scares me when she just appears out of nowhere.

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