Mission Start!

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We waited as Chisei debriefed us on the mission. Luminous seemed a little pale and tried to get out of the mission by asking if he could remotely control the submarine. Caesar covered his mouth and kept him quiet while Chisei continued with the plan.

-- At Sumeru Throne --

I wore a zip-up jacket and shorts as my outfit. I knew that Chisei was giving them some battle outfit and I couldn't wear it. Technically, the boys have no idea I'm wearing it, they won't know until we enter the water. Since I am a dragon, I can breathe underwater just fine without a suit. Although, when I'm drugged with numbing medicine it kind of defeats the purpose. Anyway, Chisei brought us out to the middle of the freaking ocean! It's stormy and cold and he brought us out here! I hope it's warmer in the sub than it is out here.

"You ready?" Chisei asked, as my teammates dressed in their battle gear.

"Never been readier," Luminous said, I slapped my forehead. Luminous, I don't think readier is a word, but okay.

We climbed about the sub, we felt ourselves being dropped down. It felt like we were dropping too fast. Johann and I ended up repairing the airlock, which should keep us stable, for now. It became quite hot here, so I took off my clothes. Which Luminous shouted at me for.

"W-What are you doing, Lumi?" His face was red, but then the color went back to normal when he saw what I was wearing.

"I can't wear Anti-Dragon clothes, idiot. I have to wear something else." I said, knowing full well that he's not an idiot.

"A swimsuit? Is that something that's appropriate?" Luminous asked me, looking away from me.

"Why? Do you think it's distracting?" I asked, raising a brow. His face down to his neck was red as a tomato. I giggled a bit then Johann dropped a pair of slippers at my feet. I looked down and noticed that the metal below me was freezing. I slipped them on and stepped away from the freezing metal.

Johann jumped out of the door suddenly, surprising all of us. Why do I need to wear slippers if I'm just going to be out in the water? Johann makes no sense sometimes. I followed them out of the sub, creating gills in my neck. I swam after them, realizing that I was falling way behind.

"Hey, you jerks! Wait up!" I shouted, to which they slowed down. When we finally grouped up together, a bunch of dragon hybrids snuck up behind us.

"Stay back, Lumi," Johann said, as they began to attack them. I knew why, if I tried to use my powers, I could accidentally freeze them. I'm completely useless underwater, I wish I could at least control water to help them. 

"Woah! Lumi, you have a tail!" Luminous pointed out, I nodded.

"Yes, it helps me swim better," I said, swishing my tail back and forth. I easily swam faster than them, running into another group of hybrids. They surrounded me but didn't attack.

"Lo... L-Lumille..." One of them spoke, my eyes widened slightly. How did the hybrid know my name? I stared at it, then Johann came over and began to kill them.

"What's wrong, Lumi?" He asked, touching my arm slightly. I shook my head, trying to rid my head of the fogginess.

"Nothing..." I said, smiling at him. He nods slightly, then we head off into the temple. While heading towards the temple, I noticed a giant pinkish embryo attached to a black ship. As we advanced, there was writing on the side of the ship. It said: Black Swan.

"Black... Swan...?" I said, my lips trembling as I said the words. The boys began talking about it, but I couldn't hear any of what they were saying. The sound of my pounding heart blocked out all noises. Suddenly, my body felt like it was being shocked several times. I grabbed my head as it felt like a hammer kept hitting it. I screamed out in pain.

"Lumi!" The boys shouted, swimming over to my side. When Johann touched my arm, electricity shot into his arm. He bit his lip and grabbed his arm.

"What's going on with her?" Caesar asked, looking at Johann.

"I think... something is affecting her. I think it might be the Dragon Lord in the embryo." Johann said, looking towards it. I could hear a loud voice, its words were incoherent. It sounded like the voice was trying to form words but the earthquake wasn't helping it.

"My... head... is about to... explode," I growled as pressure began to build up. Caesar began to say something, but the area around us started to shake. I sank, I couldn't feel my body. It's like the Dragon Lord Embryo had power over me. Johann's arm wrapped around my waist and we swam away from the embryo. It was calling me, it sounded like it was crying.

"It's... crying," I said, the boys giving me a strange look. The further we went the better I felt, the influence of the embryo vanished.

"I can swim now, Johann," I said, the numbing of my body slowly going away. Once we reached the sub, he let me go. We entered and the gills instantly disappeared. I walked towards the slippers and slipped them on. I wrapped a towel around my shoulders, drying my long white hair. I leaned against the wall as the three of them thought of a plan.

"Wish you were wearing clothes now, huh?" Johann said, crossing his arms and smirking at me.

"Watch it, Johann." I spat, he continued to smile, then looked back at Caesar and Luminous.

"We should record some last words, just so if we make a mistake they'll remember us," Caesar said, holding up a device. I listened to their confessions, Johann's was the one that made my heartbreak, he was sounding like he was already dead.

Luminous didn't have anyone to say anything to, neither do I. Caesar's was just a sappy love note to NoNo. We launched Momotaro after that, but of course, Momotaro wouldn't connect with Chisei. So now we have to manually enter the detonation code. The three were arguing about who was going to detonate it and what the code was.

"How about I just detonate it? I am able to fend off the Hybrids." I said, but they quickly shut me down.

"Didn't you hear what it was made out of? It harms dragons, you are a dragon." Johann said, flicking my forehead. I rubbed the sore spot, glaring at him. Caesar jumped out of the submarine, leaving the three of us behind.

"What a jerk, he's going to get himself killed," I said, about to jump out. But Johann pushed me back and jumped out himself.

"So, I guess it's just you and me?" Luminous asked nervously, sitting in the chair.

"I'm not about to let them kill themselves," I said, leaving Luminous behind. When I left the sub, I saw that Johann and Caesar were injured. Not wanting them to be further injured I stepped in to stop the battle.

"Stop," I commanded softly, the hybrids didn't stop. Instead, another call entered my head, the same loud cry from earlier. It echoed in my body, shocking every time my heart would beat. I felt my body changing, just like what happened during the Freshmen Test.

"No... no... keep it in control..." I growled, hugging my stomach. The area around me began to boil or freeze, I couldn't tell, it felt painfully hot. I had to calm down, I need to calm down. But I was panicking, I could control myself.

"Lumi, you can control it. Block out the Dragon Lord's call." I could hear Johann's voice. I focused on Johann's voice, listening to his words he spoke softly. The call soon disappeared, but my body felt different. It felt larger but still small.

I looked at my hands, they were replaced with talons. Johann came swimming over to me, a worried look crossing his face.

"Lumi, you turned into a dragon?" He questioned, touching my snout. When I tried to speak, it came out as a low grumble. So I touched my snout to his forehead and for some reason, could send him telepathic thoughts.

"Something happened with the Dragon Lord, it called my power out." I told him, I felt a sharp pain in my back, I looked to see a dart planted snuggly between my scales and skin. My body felt numb and it began to shrink back to a human form.

I knew that after this, my powers would begin to change. I became more powerful and dangerous to be around humans, but I had to be kept under watch. I hope that when I lose control... Johann won't be the one to do it.

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