Part 15

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The next weeks go on as you predicted. Boring and sad. Jade is also really sad because she's dating Alex after all. Your parents and other friends always try to cheer you up in any way but it's often pointless.

After the first month you starts feeling a bit weird. You often have a stomachache or just feel sick and nauseous. After a week of that you start throwing up randomly and Madison comes running into your bathroom to check on you. She places a hand on your forehead and sighs.

"I think you got a fever you better rest in bed and I'll bring you something for your stomachache"

"Okay thanks"

"Oh shit!" You say and then throw up again. Madison holds your hair out of your face and behind your head. When you feel better you sit back but then have to throw up again. You sit down on the cold bathroom floor and look at her. Then you have a shocked expression on your face.

"Maddie? Which date is today?"

"um...the 22th, why?"

"Shit my periode is late. Can you please buy a pregnancy test?"

"Uh sure I'll be right back." She's a bit shocked but takes her jacket nonetheless and walks to the next store to buy the test. When she comes back you pee onto it and place it down on the counter in the bathroom. You stand there looking away from the test. Madison comes in and you both wait 3 minutes for the results. You pick the test up and give it to her.

"(y/n)? What means the pink line?" You look up shocked.

"Fuck I'm pregnant!" You both just stare at the Test for a few moments hoping it would change, but of course it doesn't.

"Fuck Maddy what am I supposed to do?"

"I really don't know y/n. But you have to tell Austin. And your parents."

"Shit I forgot about that. But- but I can't tell my parents. They'll freak out. And how am I pregnant? Austin always wore a condom!"

"Condoms can break without you noticing"

"Fuck!" You scream and tears start flowing down you cheeks.

Maddi hugs you to calm you down which barely works. You stand there for a few minutes, before you sit down on your bed and debate what you should do.

"I won't call him and tell him over phone I want to tell him when he's back"

"Yeah that's good"

You talk a bit more and decide to not tell anyone at first. You won't show until the 4th month or so anyway so no one will find out.

There are only 3 weeks left until Austin comes back and those three weeks are hell. You always wake up with morning sickness, you barely can keep food down and you just want to be in Austin's arms.

When he does come back you start crying because of happiness and you internally blame it on the hormones. You all drive to your house after Austin unloads all his stuff at his house and you take him by the hand and take him upstairs to your room. When the door closes he starts kissing you, pressing you against the door and you kiss back until it gets really heated and you pull away, pushing against his chest a bit when he starts leaning in again.

"What's wrong?"

"Uh, I have to Uh tell you something" you say and see his eyes widen and he swallows hard.

""O-okay what is it?"

"Uh so, like uh I don't know, uh you know that like condoms can break and uh like I think yours did because I'm uh I'm pregnant"


"Yeah I I'm pregnant"

"Uhm okay that's a really big shock but I don't know. Do you wanna keep the baby?"

"Yeah I think so. Why? Don't you want it?"

"No that's not it. Of course I want it. I just wanted to know because after all it's your body and all"

"So you won't break up with me?"

"What? No! No, never!"

You just smile in response and look up at him and see him smiling down at you. He places his hand on your cheek and leans on to kiss you softly. You both slime into the kiss so it's basically not really a kiss but you don't care.

"I still have to tell my parents and I wasn't at the doctors yet because I wanted to wait until you're back."

"Okay let's tell them?"

You take his hand and go back downstairs to see your parents sitting on the couch in the living room with everyone else.

"Uh I have to tell y'all something" you start and Austin gives your hand an assuring squeeze.

"I-I'm pregnant" you say and everyone gasps.

"You're pregnant?" Your dad asks, "is this some kind of joke?"

"Uh no I wouldn't joke about that" as you say that you start getting tears in your eyes because your dad apparently wasn't so fond of this all.

"Sir, I'm sure this is really shocking for you -for you all here- but I really love your daughter. I won't leave her because of this. I know we're both really young but that doesn't matter to me and I don't want her to get an abortion. I really, really love her and one day I'm going to marry her, I know that" austin says and your das just starts smiling.

"That's what I wanted to hear." He says still with that smile on his face, but then gets serious, "and if you hurt her in any way, you'll pay for it"

"Thank you sir"

"As long as my only daughter is happy, I'm happy, so make it stay that way."

"I will, I promise"

The next day Austin invites you to a date at his romantic private beach, you cuddle and go into the water together. It's a perfect day with the perfect boy on your side. You watch the sunrise and lay down just enjoying each other's presence.

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