Chapter 9 : Loss and Gain

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I walked into school with my head slightly down, Angel already left me on my own a minute ago to go to his class. I got to my locker and opened it, immediately seeing a picture of me, my mom and my dad just before he went off to war. I fought back the threatening, burning tears almost coming out of my eyes. I was just staring at it. Remembering everything that happened in the past twelve years.

My dad went M.I.A when I was five.

We moved.

My sister was born.

And now mom…

I forced myself out of my thoughts when a certain friend of mine walked up to me.

Sasha Young.

“Hey Damian, how ya doing?” She said cheerfully walking up to me.

“I will ask again, how in Irene are you down here? and i'm good” I say acting like the past few days I wasn’t bawling my eyes out.

“Um, secrets, are you still goin to my Christmas/winter party tomorrow?” 

“Oh..kay, um, maybe I don’t know.”

“Well, that's okay if you can’t, have a good day!”

“Sasha-” I didn’t get to finish when she was already walking away.


“I should head to class…” 

I closed my locker, with my computer case on my shoulder and my phone in my pocket, on vibrate so my phone doesn't make a lot of noise.

I walk into class sitting down at the far left of the classroom in about the middle. I sat down looking out the window. After about two minutes, I decided to grab my phone and text my aunt.

“Have you heard of mom's condition?”

“Kinda, not much though, also aren’t you in class?”

“Since the teachers have a meeting, class is just chillin 'till they get back.”

“Oh okay.”

“So, what did they say about mom?”

“She made it through surgery and she’s stable but they don’t think…”

“They don’t think what?”

“They don’t think she’ll make it through the night Damian. She's got twelve hour at the least. I'm sorry Damian.”

“Can I visit her after school…”

“Of course, I’ll take you and Alivia there after school.”

I stopped texting her, I debated about texting back at least an “okay” but decided against it. The threatening tears poured again.

I put my head down on the desk letting the tears go, I tried to not make a sound, aside from occasional whimpers, that I'm lucky that no one heard, or did and didn’t care.

I sat there for a good five minutes just crying and thinking. The thoughts weren’t “happy go lucky” thoughts they were more like “this is the worst” but thoughts like that help me, it lets me get rid of everything instead of trying to be happy when I need to be upset and need to realize that.

“Hello class, good morning! Hope you didn’t feel lonely without me here!” 

I turn my head slightly so I can see. It was our teacher walking with a small cup of coffee, from the smell I assumed it was pure black coffee, she had a folder full of papers and her glasses were kind of off center and she quickly fixed them once she realized.

“Hello Mrs. Hollow.” Everyone groaned at her presence walking through the door.

I picked my head up, whipped my tear stained face off and shut off my phone.

Next thing I knew, it was time for band/music with Mrs. JJ.

I had my guitar on my back, and was walking to the band room, when someone bumped into me.

“Ow, oh I'm so sorry I wasn’t watching where I was going!?”

I look up to see a small girl about a year or two under me.

“Um, It's fine.”

“Heh, um, I'm Leah!”

“Um, I'm Damian.”

“Damian Lycan-May?”

“Uh, yeah how…”

“My brother talks a lot about you.”

Alastor’s sister.

“Your brother is Alastor, right? you look so similar to him, heh.” 

“I get that a lot, well It was nice to finally meet you Damian!”

“Nice to meet you too!”

“See ya around!”

“Ya, see ya!” I say as we both walk the opposite way.

“Hey Damian!” The voice was familiar but faint due to me being tired.

“Damian!” The voice got closer. Suddenly something grabbed my wrist. I looked over and saw Alastor and when I turned his hand slid down to my own hand.

“Hey you alright? I’ve been calling your name for about a minute.” His voice was soft and had a hint of concern in his voice.

“Um...ya…” I knew my face had an obvious soft blush on my face.

“Good, I was worried.” He said letting go. I almost grabbed his hand again at the loss of the warmth his hand had on me.

“We should sit down before we get in trouble.” He said, a smile on his face.

“Ya…” I say walking to a seat.

We sit down in about the middle of the rows of the chairs in the room.

“Good afternoon class, let's get started.”


It was about the middle of class. A phone started ringing, everyone looked to see it was the teacher's phone.

“One moment class.” She said setting the paper she was holding down.

“Yes?” she said a second after picking up the phone and answering it.

Everyone was silent, trying to eavesdrop on the conversation. Which failed. When she looked at me, It struck me like lightning. It was my Aunt, wasn’t it.

“Damian…” She said putting her hand to the phone to talk to me.

“I know…” I say, grabbing my stuff and getting up.

Everyone looked at me with a confused look on their faces. 


I walked down the hallway with my head down but up enough to see if I was gonna bump into anyone. The minute I got in my Aunt's car I knew what happened.

My Aunt's face was tear stained, some tears still rushing down her face.

She was biting her bottom lip, probably stopping herself from making a lot of noise.

“I'm sorry….” she said in her voice.


“She's gone…..She's gone Damian…” she finished.

It took me a second to register what I just heard. She’s gone...

I broke down, the hot, wet, stinging tears rushing down my face.

My mouth was wide open as I was hunched over my legs, my arms pulling my hair.

Although my mouth was open, I barely made a noise.

My Aunt was rubbing my back. I could feel she was sobbing her eyes out as well. I just lost my mom and my Aunt just lost her sister. I felt so empty.
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