Chapter 15 : Secret Santa

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I hear the buzz of my alarm. I reach over grabbing and turning on my phone. I groan at my phone's brightness. I turned off my alarm and looked at the time, under that it said the date. “December 25th, 2021,”
Today's Christmas. I get up and tuck the curtains to the side as I look out the window and see snow on the ground.  Mom would have loved this. I shake the thought away, letting the curtain fall back into place. I had to get ready to go over to Angel's house because he had the “bright” idea of doing secret santa.
I walk up to his house and ring the doorbell. As the door opens I'm greeted by a smiling Angel.
“Damian! Come in!” He stepped aside and let me inside.
I put my coat on a bench to the side of the door and walked into the living room.
“Hey Damina!” I see Sasha sitting on the floor next to Iru.
“Hey.” I sat down on the other side of her on the ground.
“Alastor should be here in a minute.” Angel says walking into the living room and sitting on the left of me.
A couple minutes later Alastor arrives and sits on the right of me.
We exchange a glance, Alastor giving me a small smile.
“Okay let's start.” Angel says pulling out a hat.
“You put an item of yours in the hat and one by one we’ll grab something from the hat.”
“If Damian’s picking something, we all have to close our eyes until he says we can open.” He finishes explaining.
We all set something in the hat. When I pick I pull out a bracelet. Alastors bracelet.

It took me a while and still is, trying to figure out what to get him. I don’t know what he likes so I knew this would be difficult. As I was walking by a music shop an idea presented itself.

I get home and immediately grab my guitar. I also grab a pencil and notebook and sit down on my beanbag in the corner of my room. I tune and strum my guitar till I get a sound I like and write down the lyrics as I go.
After about an hour or two I'm done.

It had been three days since the Secret Santa picking and I was walking to Angel's house. I again ring the doorbell and let inside. Were all sitting in a circle with our presents.

“Okay. Who wants to go first?” Angel asks.
“I do!” Sasha says cheerfully.
“Alright say who you got and give them your present.” Angel says.
“I got you Angel!” She says handing the present over. It was a cat ornament and a mustard yellow cardigan.
Angel had got Iru and got him a hufflepuff scarf. Iru got Sasha and Angel and got them both coffee mugs. Then it was my turn.
“I got Alastor.” I say sliding over the bag. He grabs out the tissue paper and pulls out a record player vinyl and a CD.
“There's a certain song on each of them. I thought the vinyl could maybe go on your wall and the CD you could listen to.” I say looking at him. His face is in absolute awe.
“Thank you so much!”
“Well I got you Damian so here.” I open the bag that he handed me and the second I see what it is, I tear up.
“H-How?” I say holding the present in front of me. Sasha, Iru and Angel realize what it is. A photo of me, my mom, and my sister. Tears are now streaming down my face.
“I have my ways.” He says, putting his hand on my back. I put the photo down. My hand covers my mouth as I close my eyes tightly as the tears keep falling. Everyone was hugging me by now. Everyone gets done hugging me and I admittedly pull Alastor into a tight hug and I whisper into his ear.

“Thank you.”
675 words

Hi sorry I haven't posted in awhile. But I have the next 14 chapters vaguely planned out. (I have a base idea for each of them)
Bye Queens, Kings and genderfluid, non-binary royalty.

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