✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Eleven *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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"Go on without us! We'll be okay! We'll catch up to you as soon as we get out of this mess!" Hyunjin shouted to Felix.

They'd just been trekking up the mountain when the rocks fell, everyone but Felix toppling into a small ravine with no way out.

"Alright, I'll go! But be careful!"

She left the others behind, venturing on towards the laboratory. It was at the top of the mountain, but FelixF found it quickly with all the smoke they were making.

Heesung was already waiting for him with... Jisung? Why was Jisung with Heesung?

"Jisung? What are you doing here?" Felix questioned, not able to believe that Jisung was even here.

"I'm helping Heesung." Jisung said with a shrug.

Felix was confused and hurt. "You know he has the cure for Haven and Wren! Why are you doing this, Jisung?"

Jisung didn't answer.

"I don't want to fight you, Felix." Heesung said.

"Then give me the seed." Felix said in return.

Heesung shook his head. "I can't do that."

Felix lunged forward trying to grab Heesung, but Heesung moved out of the way, his own blue wings opening, lifting him into the sky.

Felix took off after him.

The two fought in midair for a while, but Felix forgot about Jisung. Felix felt something hit him in the back and suddenly he was falling. His wings wouldn't work.

He fell to the ground, laying there. It's over. He's defeated. He felt overwhelming betrayal at the fact that Jisung was working with the enemy. 

"Cuff him up. We'll throw him in the cells."


"Dad?" Felix questioned, staring at her dad, Yume, Minho, and Chan, encased in ice as he was pulled past it. The four adults had looks of fear or pleading on their faces.

"Surprised to see them? I wonder why."

Felix looked up with a glare, burning holes into the side of Heesung's head.

"Why are they here? Why do you have them like this?"

"I have them like this because I wanted to ruin you. I wanted to make your life miserable. Your parents leaving was the first phase. You all were utterly devastated when they went missing, which is exactly what I wanted." Heesung said with a sinister smirk.

Felix looked confused and asked, "Why, though? What would you do this for?"

Heesung's mood immediately soured as he said, "They made my life miserable. Just because I was a descendant of one of the first angels, I was taken away from everything I cared about and thrown into royal training and studies, so I decided to get back at them by targeting you."

"And Jisung too? Did you force him into this?" Felix asked as he was shoved into a cell.

"No, he came to me first. He was bitter about the fact that he was always forgotten. You even forgot to ask if he wanted to help find me." Heesung said with a frown.

Felix's face fell. He did forget about Jisung. He didn't even think to ask Jisung if he wanted to come.

"You don't have to do this." Felix pleaded with Heesung as he locked the cell.

Heesung looked down at Felix with a bored look and said, "Yes, I do." He threw the keys into the endless pit of water.

"No, Heesung, please!" 

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Cataclysm • Hyunlix [COMPLETED] *:・゚✧*:・゚✧Where stories live. Discover now