✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Epilogue *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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The item that Jisung put in Felix's hand was the seed of the flower to cure Haven. Felix immediately went home with his siblings and planted it.

Three months later and the flower bloomed. It was made into a tea and given to Haven. They drank it and an hour later they felt movement returning.

Their powers returned as well. Jisung's death hadn't been in vain after all.

It took Felix a while, but he moved on from Jisung's death. He knew that's what Jisung would have wanted him to do.


"Shh, she's coming!" Changbin said as he ran into position behind Hyunjin.

"Are you sure she'll say yes?" Hyunjin asked. He was very worried.

"Of course, she'll say yes. She loves you, Hyunjin." Seungmin said with an exasperated smile.

A door opened and Haven and Lehala stepped into the courtyard, leading a blindfolded Felix behind them.

Sam played some soft music on the violin as Felix took the blindfold off. She let out a gasp at the scene in front of her.

Everyone was wearing nice clothing. The clothing they wouldn't usually wear. Hyunjin was in a green button-down shirt and black pants instead of his usual cloak. He was holding a bouquet of roses that he handed to Felix.

Felix let out a gasp as Hyunjin got down on one knee and pulled out a small black box.

"Felix Lee, when I first met you, I thought you were the most beautiful person I'd ever seen, and I still think that. We've gone to hell and back together, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?" Hyunjin said as he opened the box to show a beautiful ruby ring similar to the promise ring on his finger but fancier.

"Yes!" Felix shouted, throwing herself into Hyunjin's arms as he stood up. Everyone around them cheered as Hyunjin slipped the ring onto Felix's finger.


"Oh my gosh, honey, you look beautiful." Yume said, tearing up when she saw Felix.

Felix and Hyunjin decided they didn't want a traditional wedding, so Felix's dress was a dark red color. The bodice was covered by designs of roses. The skirt was white but faded into a pretty red which also had a rose design. She was also wearing a red lace cape.

"Mom, please don't cry. You're gonna make me cry. I don't wanna ruin my makeup." Felix said with a fond smile.

"I'm just so proud of you, honey. My baby is getting married." Yume sniffled as she hugged Felix who sniffled along with her.

Minho walked into the room and stopped to look at Felix. "Felix! You look amazing!"

"Thank you, Minho." Felix said gently.

Minho smiled softly and said, "Jisung would have loved this."

Felix felt tears coming to her eyes, blinking them away quickly as he said, "He would have."

Jiyoung walked into the room. "You ready, bug?"

"I'm ready, Dad."

Jiyoung held his arm out for Felix to take. Felix took his arm as the music started to play. They were given the go-ahead when the flower boys, Wren, Kayden, and Jeongin, were done. Felix hoped someone filmed the triplets throwing flowers at everybody because he knew it was hilarious.

The doors opened and Jiyoung and Felix stepped through. Felix let out a silent gasp when he saw Hyunjin standing at the end of the aisle.

He was wearing a dark green suit and his hair had been curled. He was smiling like he'd won the lottery, and to him, he had.

The priest made his speech, and Felix and Hyunjin said their vows.

"Do you, Hyunjin Hwang, take Felix Lee as your lawfully wedded partner?"

"I do." Hyunjin replied, smiling at Felix.

"Do you, Felix Lee, take Hyunjin Hwang as your lawfully wedded partner?"

"I do." Felix said, smiling just as brightly at Hyunjin.

"You may kiss the bride."

Hyunjin dipped Felix into a kiss and the crowd cheered.


"Are you sure it's positive?" Changbin asked as Felix stared at the test in his hands with no emotion.

"It's definitely positive." Seungmin said, looking over Felix's shoulder.

"Does Hyunjin even want kids? We haven't talked about that." Felix panicked.

Changbin rubbed Felix's back and said, "Of course he's gonna want kids. He loves children."

"Yeah. You're right. This'll be fine."


Felix cornered Hyunjin in the hallway of the castle a few hours later and just held the test out to him. He looked confused at first, but then realized what it was.

"Is this real?" He asked with wide eyes. Felix nodded, scared of the reaction.

"I'm gonna be a dad? Oh my god, I'm gonna be a dad!" Hyunjin shouted in excitement, gazing at Felix with happiness in his eyes.

"I'm gonna be a dad!"


Nine months of pain later, Felix gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. He had curly blonde hair and bright blue eyes. Felix almost started crying in the hospital room when he realized the baby looked just like Jisung.

"He's beautiful." Jeongin said as he rocked the baby back and forth gently as he giggled from inside his blanket. The baby was playing with Wren's finger as the boy stood beside Jeongin.

"What did you name him?" Wren asked as he was handed the baby.

"Jisung. His name is Jisung." 

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Cataclysm • Hyunlix [COMPLETED] *:・゚✧*:・゚✧Where stories live. Discover now