Chapter 4

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Have you ever felt, like life is completely and utterly pointless?

Well, that's how I felt about mine, in this exact moment in time. Im in love with him, I'm in love with harry styles, and I keep trying to convince myself not to. As much as my cheek hurts, it hurts more to think that someone you love may to love you back. And besides I'm not allowed to love him. But that moment, when he defended me, he didn't understand. As much as i loved that he did it, at that moment in time, later on i know that he shouldn't have.

I'm now walking back to my house, in the rain. Alone, holding my cheek in pain. Harry had just witnessed part of my deep dark secret. Well, not much. But I hope he doesn't read too much into it..... I did tell him not to tell anyone, but I'm sure he won't listen.

My cheek was stinging and throbbing, like it had been set on fire. When Caroline hit me, I could feel the tingling, of pain. This was a familiar feeling to me. I wasn't surprised she did what she did. Actually to be honest, I thought she would have done a lot worse. But I suppose it was a public library..... I'm glad Harry hadn't witnessed what goes on at home. And I hope he never does.

But you know what I ask myself all the time? Why am I even here? I mean I could've just killed myself, when the parents died. I still could. Because no one would grieve, well, except Eleanor and Jade. I couldn't do that to them. But it would be beneficial to me. But I can't be selfish. It just doesn't occur to me why I'm needed here. I just don't understand why? Why me? Why my parents? I guess some things are too good to be true.

" Ava? "

I heard the familiar voice of my best friend, Eleanor.

"yeah, it's me " I called back to them.

I walked into the kitchen to find them cleaning. Surprise, surprise. They took one look at my cheek and gasped. I could feel the tears well up in my eyes, I rushed up the stairs, and collapsed onto my bed.

"sweetie,what's wrong?" jade asked, puffed out of breath. From running up my stairs probably.....

I sniffled, and sat up. I looked up to see two worried faces looking down at me. Eleanor and jade are always there for me, they really know what it's like. I feel like I can really relate to them because they both have no dad. Well jade does, but her parents split up and I think her dad turned to drugs or something. And Eleanor's dad died when she was still in her mothers tummy. But then even so, apparently Eleanor's parents were always fighting and stuff so they were bound to break up sooner or later. Snapping back to reality now....

I started to tell them what happened.....


"seriously mother!" I cried when we were passing through our front door.

"it really hurt. She just came up to me and punched me and begun to kick me! So I tried to defend myself so my hand accidentally slapped her face, then she ran off. And it really huuuurrtt" I cried.

I think it worked. Ava is going to get a piece of mind.

"oh darling, I can't believe she did that to you. Stupid bitch, never does what shes told. Don't worry, mummy's going to sort it out and make it all better, this isn't going to happen again. Don't you worry!" mother said sternly, as I continued to fake cry. I'm good at this, I should be an actress.

I watched as my mother strode up the stairs in her long dark purple dress and shiny black stilettos. Oh how shes in for it now!!!

I quietly tiptoed up the staircase that lead to Ava's room, I'm dieing. There's so many flights! I went and stood behind the door that opened out. I peeked inside and saw that Ava was with those two maid- whores. Eleanor and jade, I think their names are. Bitches, I hear them talking about all this random stuff all the time, like, there's this boy and he think he likes me omgomg! Bitch please. I get guys all the time, because I don't care. And that's what guys like.

But Ava is a different story, she is a slutty bitch who steals peoples boyfriends, I mean not that Harry is my boyfriend, but he would be if little miss bitch hadn't came along.

You know what, this is exactly what she needs, I should have brought some popcorn or something, this is going to be brilliant!


"just the way he looks at me, you know what girls, I think he may like m-"

The door then bursted open to reveal my stepmother. Angry. What had Caroline told her?

Eleanor and jade looked at me, and knew they had to leave. They picked up their things and hurried down the stairs.

I watched as my stepmother strode over to my bed and picked me up by the hair, and dragged me out the door. The pain was excruciating, horrible but I knew this was the nice part of what was about to happen. My stepmother dragged me down the stairs, holding a tight grip on my hair, her long acrylic nails digging into my spine. I looked up to see caroline smirking at me, telling me she won. But I couldn't care about that now. I would try and fight back although I was not strong enough. I then felt my body being tossed in all different directions as I was thrown down the 2flights of stairs. I tumbled down them scratching my back on the sharp wooden edges, I could taste the blood in my mouth as I neared the bottom. My head was spinning and my arm was killing me, but I couldn't stay there. I ran out of the house ignoring the pain, and my head was dizzy. But i continued to walk, i unstably walked out into the middle of the road and stopped. My world was now spinning around me, as I felt the impact of my body hitting the cold, hard ground.


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