Anywhere but here

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Heeeelllloooo guys!!!!!! 

My names liv, and I've spent ages, planning this story out, and making sure its gonna work:)

So the way this works is that I'd like to have a certain amount if reads and votes every chapter. It's the only way I can get votes, sorry to do this to you:(

Anyway, may I introduce....

Chapter 1. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



There's that alarm clock again, that means another day in paradise.....


I quickly awakened and greeted the sunny morning with a smile. I'm glad it was warm today, if it wasn't then I'd get a beating because the washing was not dried properly.

I arose from the comfort of my hard single bed, I've had it for years; ever since my dad died, so it creaked every time I would make a movement. I walked over to my windowsill and admired the beautiful view, there were little houses scattered everywhere, and some big ones as well. In the distance you could just about make out the old castle, that stood among the white, fluffy, marshmallow like clouds. I looked over to my right, I could see our school oval, as well as some school buildings, I liked school, in general, not particularly MY school, but I liked it. I looked over to my left and I could see the towns shopping centre, with no cars in the parking lot, it was like a ghost town. Well, suppose it is 4 o clock in the morning.

If you are wondering why I get up at this time. My stepmother gets me up at different times, depending on what needs doing, in terms of cleaning. We already have 2 maids that take care of things, around the house, like I do. Eleanor and jade, their names are. They are really lovely, they are my best friends. Although they don't go to my school. Why don't I have any friends at school, you ask?? Well, simply because my stepsister Caroline, she is the biggest bitch you will ever meet, she turns people against me, and makes up rumours, so people will hate me, she loves being the centre of attention, so she needs to hurt me, in order to make herself feel good. Let me just say that she isn't the nicest person you would meet.

So.... I'd better get dressed.....

So I grabbed my cleaning clothes, that consists of a mid thigh length dark brown skirt, and my white blouse, that was now a smoky Grey, as of the chimney, and dust, in the attic and basement. I also popped on my turquoise bandana that wrapped around my charcoal black hair. My hair was long, and wavy. I have never had my hair coloured, and I haven't had it cut since I was 5. That was when my dad died.

My stepmother never said the cause of his death, and if I were to question her, I'd get a beating. Although, it seems suspicious, like she's hiding something..... Maybe I'm just reading too much into it. A day doesn't go by, when I don't think about my mother of father. You see, my mother was poisoned, nobody knows how, but she died that day. I was in her arms. And my dad, I don't know. I did hear the police saying that he was stabbed, but maybe that was just my imagination.

I remember that once my mother died, this woman who happens to be my stepmother, was crawling and flirting with my dad. He got this a lot, as we had a lot of money, although this woman was different. She seemed really nice. At first.

Then my dad invited her over for dinner with her 5 year old daughter. And she was spoilt, and when I said spoilt I mean, she had everything, her car was pink, and the number plate was 'Caroline rox'. And when dinner was getting made by the cook, caroline would look down at her watch, her tiffanys watch, and huff and puff. And say to my dad, "I hate waiting, I want it now!!" I remember rolling my eyes at her, pathetic child. I thought. And now she was even more pathetic, she had slept with every guy on the football and swim team, she had been voted homecoming queen, for 3 years in a row, because stepmother is on our school committee thing. And yes we do go to the same school, and it is torture, I try my best to avoid Caroline every day, but she finds one way or another to mock me, in front of everyone.

I looked at my clock. 4.20AM!

I was frantically rushing around brushing my teeth, and putting my shoes on. I quickly turned on my beat-up-old Nokia phone. I couldn't afford to buy another one. Yes my dad was rich, but my stepmother got all the money, and everything my dad owned, so the reason that I work as the house maid, it is the only way I can still stay in this house and for my stepmother to pay my school fees. Otherwise I have to leave, and I have no where to go.

I rushed down the stairs that lead up to my room, it took me about 5 minutes, because there is so many.... When I got down stairs, I quickly manoeuvred into our huge kitchen, and quickly fed Caroline's white cat. It was very spoilt, like Caroline. It wore a real diamond tiara on her head, and it was only a cat!! I quickly opened up a can of tuna and poured it into her bowl. I then started to clean the kitchen, that consisted of vacuuming, dishes, cleaning windows, scrubbing the floors and dusting out the cupboards.

When I had finished doing all of those things, it was 6.30AM, so I started on breakfast.....


That took me to 7AM, and I took Caroline's breakfast up to her. I quietly opened her door, she was sitting there awake on her laptop. I quickly walked up to her bed and placed her breakfast tray on her bedside table. I stood there, just in case she needed anything else.

I silently admired her room. It was a deep pink colour, and it had blood red swirls connecting her huge walk in wardrobe and double ensuite. This room was about 20X the size of my room. My room was like equivalent of half of her ensuite!!!

She laughed at her laptop, and gestured with her hand for me to go. I silently walked out of her room while her phone rung. I closed the door and pressed my ear up against it, curiously.

" hey Tyler" she said in a seductive voice.

"I had a great time lastnight babe"

"yeah, baby."

"you already have a girlfriend?"

"well that's too bad isn't it?"

"let's just say, that I can give you more than she can."

"I'm glad you came to your senses. see you tonight"

Then I heard nothing.

I pressed my ear further up against the door to try and hear the rest of the conversation.

Suddenly the door bursted opened and I toppled down onto Caroline's wooden floor. My stepmothers breakfast fell all over the floor, the china mug and plates crashed to pieces, while the blueberry muffin and coffee spilt all over her pink, fluffy rug.

I looked up at Caroline, she looked horrified, then angry, then pissed off. She turned to look at me, and I swear there was smoke coming out of her ears.

She swung her arm back, and from then on, everything was like in slow motion.

I felt the impact of her hand hitting my face, then the loud noise of screams and shouts to stepmother.

I was in trouble.

Regina, my stepmother then came into the room, and took one look at the mess, she then pulled me up by the hair and dragged me along the long dark hallway.

She then tossed me into the cupboard, and locked the door.

At that's where I remained for the rest of the day, or until something needed cleaning again.

Anywhere but hereTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon