enemies with benefits | 1

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Chapter One: The Wrath of Alexander Hale


Alexander and I have been at war since we were kids.

He has that careless attitude that gets annoying so quickly, dirty-blonde hair that makes him look like a stereotypical Cali-boy and bright green eyes that burns to look at. He also has the 'charm' that keeps his name in people's mouths despite the fact he only keeps to himself and bothers with his two friends, Andy and Zayn.

How he's even relevant is a mystery to everyone. Alexander is as interesting and unique as a rock.

I've never been interested in his reputation, or the things people say about him. I know the devil behind the mask, the boy that always makes an effort to darken my day. Whether it's tripping me up in the halls, sabotaging my attempts at learning by bothering me or leaving about a million shredded papers into my locker - he's always got something, and a list of ideas that's never-ending.

Ever since I met the real him, I've hated him.

And, from the looks of it, I probably always will.

My beliefs were reaffirmed when my best friend and I walked to my locker, just a few minutes before class was about to start. Neither of us were the best at time management, and Daisy was desperate to fix her makeup before next period, where she'd share the hour with her crush.

"I still can't believe it, Kels. I still can't freaking believe I got the balls to ask Tyler for his number!" Daisy squealed, leaning against the neighbouring locker as I punched in my combination.

I smiled at her excitement, trying to yank my locker open. When it didn't budge, I put my code in again and pulled at the handle again. Yet again, nothing happened.

Still on cloud nine, Daisy pushed herself off the locker and stared at mine. "What's going on?"

"It's stuck. Something must be blocking it." I said, and with a final yank, the door opened.

Unfortunately for me, that wasn't the only thing that happened. As soon as the door was pulled open, a mountain of little confetti fell out, sprinkling on the floor like snowflakes. I just stared as they fell, knowing straight away how they got there.

"Every fucking time," I whispered to myself. "Every time I change my combo, he leaves something."

Daisy stared at the contents that fell on the floor and then looked up at me. "Want help cleaning it up? I want to fix my mascara before I see Tyler anyway."

I nodded, groaning as I searched my locker for a bin bag - something I learnt to keep in there in case Alexander decided to be his typical asshole self - and then knelt down on the ground to start pushing everything into the bin. Daisy leaned down opposite me, cupping her hands and throwing confetti away as well.

As the bell rang, I realised I'd probably be sitting here for ages. The confetti was absolutely everywhere, and I hardly had the willpower to tidy up at a pronto speed. I could have probably left it, but I had never been one to give up on something I've started.

Besides, the mess was near my locker. I would get the blame despite any arguments made.

"How did he get the confetti in there anyway?" I asked. "It must've been hard."

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