enemies with benefits | 6

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Chapter Six: Conversations


There were no words to describe what kissing Alexander Hale - while sober - was like. And there was no explanation for why I was enjoying it - why there was something inside me that screamed to kiss him back.

So, while his mouth moved on mine, desperately awaiting a response, I suddenly put my hands around his neck and brought him impossibly closer. My response came soon after that, and just like that, I was lost to the kiss.

The logical side of my mind, the one that knew what I was doing was the worst thing imaginable, completely didn't exist. In that moment, it didn't even matter that Alexander and I were far from compatible, or that I was supposed to hate him.

His hands snaked around my waist, and I strangely welcomed the embrace. When my lips parted, his tongue darted in straight away, leaving no time for any questions of whether this was the right thing to do, or whether we were all making a big mistake.

And man, with his tongue moving against mine, it caused electricity to surge down my spine and almost made me unable to stand with how good it made me feel.

Alexander decided to start pushing us back, and I kept walking backwards - lips still on his - until my back hit the wall and we were forced to a stop. But I didn't even care that the halt was so sudden it would probably leave a bruise, because just then his lips left mine and moved to my neck, peppering small kisses around the area.

Before I was able to hold it back, a moan escaped my lips. Even though I wasn't able to see his face, I knew that it made Alexander smile, and suddenly he pulled away to stare straight into my eyes.

I tried to hold my ground as I stared back at him, knowing that it would probably look more sultry than I would've liked due to the fact we were making out only seconds before. It was funny; no matter the circumstance, I could always revert to normal. My default mode was arguing with Alexander Hale.

I was entirely surprised when he actually started speaking instead of kissing me again or leaving.

"You know, it's funny - I never would have pegged you for the type that'd do that sort of thing, let alone at school." Alexander said with the largest grin I've ever seen on his face.

"Please," I sputtered. "You kissed me."

"And you kissed me back. It's a two-way street, Kels."

He was right. Dammit.

Quite frankly, despite my jumbled thoughts, I wasn't confused. I knew that was exactly what I wanted the whole time - I could remember parts of that night, and from what I could tell, I've never enjoyed myself more. I've never been satisfied, which is not a place I ever thought I'd hold Alexander at.

And telling him what I've been waiting to say all day: I really wish you'd keep annoying me so I could think about that instead of the night we spent together - that would be a death sentence.

"All right, so I did. Let's both just leave so that we can forget this ever happened. That all of what happened between us is reality and not fiction." I said, knowing it's the coward's way out but too embarrassed to give a damn.

I needed to get away. Before the temptation to do something unspeakable fell on me and I'd be at the point of no return. Having sex while drunk gives me excuses, but anything I do sober is entirely on me and my crazy whims.

Alexander shrugged. "Is that what you really want?"


"Obviously. You're not as attractive as you think." I retort.

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