enemies with benefits | 22

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Chapter Twenty-Two: Unexpected Guests


Alex moaned, his head tipping back. I'd been blowing him for a while now, and I could feel that he was close. My panties were soaked by this point, with the space between my legs practically aching for any sort of attention. However, I was firmly focused on making him feel good, and I wasn't going to stop until he came.

When I first texted him, I hadn't really thought ahead. I just knew I needed somewhere else to stay to give Gina and my dad some room. I didn't even know why he was the first choice I decided to pick - I could have easily just chosen Daisy, but for some reason I hadn't wanted to do that.

I should have known that we'd end up like this. Maybe I hadn't expected that I would be sucking him off the first chance I got, but it was bound to happen. Honestly, I wasn't complaining.

At one point, I heard him breathe out, "fuck, Kelsie. Stop before I come."

I momentarily took my mouth off him, glancing up at him darkly. "That's exactly the point."

"No. Let me be inside you first." He said, and when I lowered my mouth on him again, he let out a loud moan, hands gripping onto my brown hair. "Jesus."

I grinned, keeping my eyes glued on his. His eyes were narrowed slightly as he watched me, a permanent line creased between his eyebrows. Any self-doubt I had before about pleasing him, about making this feel good for him, had disappeared the moment my mouth made contact with his dick. Suddenly, an innate confidence had reached me, something I hadn't been aware of only moments prior. The moans that left him only egged me on.

As much as I wanted Alex inside of me, I had to be patient. First, it was all about him; making him find his climax. I would have my turn, but after.

My hand gripped his base, running up and down following the pace of my mouth. Alex's fingers wrapped around my hair impossibly tighter - it felt like he was about to rip the strands right out of my scalp. Incoherent profanities escaped his mouth as whispers, and then he moaned.

"Kelsie, you're— fuck, I'm coming. Kels—" Alex muttered, and then he started moving his hips, lodging him deeper inside my mouth.

I held back the reflexive gag that threatened to escape when he hit the back of my throat. All I could do was brace myself, knowing his climax was on the verge. I knew Alex had taken control of the situation, dictating how fast I was moving, but I was perfectly okay with it.

I heard him cry out as he came, and just like last time, I tried to swallow as much as I could. Similarly, just like last time I blew him, I wasn't able to take all of him, with it spilling out of my mouth and down onto my chin and neck.

Waiting until he stilled, I then took my mouth off him, grinning wildly like I was a maniac. I felt good - no, I felt great. It was strange - I wasn't the one to have just received oral, and yet it didn't feel any different.

Alex was panting, his eyes dark as he stared at me, a shadow of his typical green eyes. For a moment, I expected him to say something - anything, really, that would convey how much he enjoyed it or if he wanted to do more. In fact, I desperately wished he would say something of the sorts, because I knew I was certainly up for more.

But he didn't say anything. Instead, he just flipped us over, his mouth latching onto my exposed breasts. I gasped at the sensation that overtook me, and then bit my lip as his tongue swirled over the hardened nipple. This guy was definitely an expert when it came to sex; it was almost criminal how good he was at satisfying me. How'd he know exactly which places to touch to make me squirm?

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