enemies with benefits | 13

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Chapter Thirteen: Unexpected Friends


When we got there, it was full of people. Seriously - who knew high school football was such a big deal? I was a senior, and I'd never attended one of these games before now. Quite frankly, I thought sports were just a waste of time - both to play and watch.

But Daisy and Tyler seemed happy to be here, scooting past all the people at the bleachers who were already sitting in their seats.

We ended up going to the other side of the bleachers, picking seats right at the very end. I sat on the very edge meanwhile Daisy sat next to me and Tyler sat next to her.

When the game started, the awkwardness I felt originally being along for a date dissipated. Now, I knew I could focus on something other than the fact I was third wheeling, even if I knew I was doing it for a good cause.

Our school's team scored within the first ten minutes. That seemed to really ignite the people in the nearby stalls, as everybody suddenly stood up and cheered, and they remained jittery all while the team carried on playing.

At one point, I leaned over to Daisy and whispered, "be right back, gonna get a hotdog."

She looked at me, smiling as she nodded. "Okay, come back quickly. Tyler says the game is in our favour so far."

I nodded and exited through the edge I was on. The perks of being right at the end, even with the corner digging into my ass, was that I could seamlessly leave and climb down the bleachers without much hassle.

I walked towards the direction of the hotdog stall when suddenly I stopped. In the distance stood a familiar figure - I could just about make out a few details, but they were too far for me to see anything of note. I kept walking forward, temporarily abandoning my mission to get some food just to see why the boy looked so familiar, even from a large distance.

I kept going forward until I saw a girl approach the guy. The girl had long dark hair, and was wearing an outfit I'd never have the confidence to pull off - a tight white tank with a short pink skirt. Her arms came around the guy, and within a blink, they were kissing on the roof of a car.

Correction: they were making out on the roof of a car.

I blinked, suddenly feeling like I was intruding on a private situation. But I also couldn't look away; as I squinted my eyes, something became familiar about the girl.

Unfortunately, I couldn't pinpoint what made her so recognisable, even as I was approaching her. But when they pulled away, I realised why the guy and girl looked so familiar. And, quite frankly, I was shocked.

The guy was Andy, a friend of Alexander's. And the girl was Daisy's cousin, Lily - a girl I interacted with quite a few times in the past, and from what I knew, had a massive thing for Alexander a year ago.

That's a duo I would have never expected. I wondered whether Daisy knew that her older cousin was seeing one of my enemy's friends.

I quickly moved away before either saw me - they both knew me quite well, so it'd be the most mortifying thing in the world if either of them decided to suddenly look my way.

However, turning so abruptly didn't play to my favour. Because as I turned around, I walked straight into somebody.

The apologies swiftly escaped my tongue. "I'm so sorry - I wasn't watching where I was going."

I looked up at the person I bumped into, and noticed it was some guy from my bio class - Mike, I think his name was. Aside from asking for the answers a couple of times, I haven't interacted with him much. It was hardly possible when Alexander made it a nightmare for any boy to look my way, let alone talk to me.

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