enemies with benefits | 2

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Chapter Two: Responsible


"Dad, Gina, I'm home!" I called out as soon as I stepped into my house.

At first, no response - it was an entirely empty and bleak house. But then, a few seconds later, I heard footsteps. I placed my bag beside the door, and then I saw Gina walk into the hallway - my dad's wife, and my stepmother.

Gina completely broke the stereotype of wicked stepmothers. She was the nicest person I had ever met, and didn't have a single evil bone in her body. The day she married my dad was one of the most pleasant days in my life - I was so happy for my dad, and I was happy to have her as part of our family.

She's also younger than my dad by three years, but I've always considered her to be double his age in maturity and wisdom.

"Oh, hello, sweetie. Your father's working overtime today, so maybe the two of us can order a pizza and binge The Bachelor." She smiled.

I smiled back at her, nodding. "Sure, Gina. That sounds great."

Glad, she clasped her hands together and smiled brightly at me. She was then about to dart to the living room again, probably to fetch her phone and call for pizza, when I suddenly remembered what I had agreed to.

A party with Daisy. At the current moment, I was more concerned with how I'd convince my dad and Gina to let me go rather than with actually going; my dad would probably faint at the idea of me going to a party where alcohol would be served and boys would be looking to get girls in the bedroom. He was always scared of the idea of me dating - having me at nineteen, he understood what it was like to be a young parent.

But he had nothing to worry about. Alexander always managed to scare them off.


"Gina, wait." I quickly called out.

Turning around, she gave me a curious glance. "Yes, Kelsie? Is everything okay?"

I knitted my fingers together, avoiding her blue eyes. I needed to somehow build the courage to ask her to go; she would be easier to convince than my father. Gina was always the more relaxed one of the pair. But still, just the fact I needed to ask her, and then my dad... it wasn't easy for someone who never went to a party and knew she likely wouldn't be allowed to anyway.

"Could I..." I cleared my throat, watching her step closer to me with a concerned look on her face. "Maybe... Could I go to a party with Daisy tonight? I know it's super late notice, but—"

To my surprise, she wasn't entirely horrified, or questioning. Instead, her concern switched to relief, and she radiated in joy.

"Oh, Kelsie, of course you can! What time are you planning on going?" Gina said.

I almost couldn't believe my ears. "Hold on, you're letting me go? Without any convincing?"

"You're a seventeen year old girl. A very responsible girl at that." My stepmother explained. "You've earned my trust. Besides, you're not going alone; you're going with your friend. After explaining it to your dad, I see no reason why you can't go."

Immediately pulling her into a tight hug, I held onto her, thanking her. She laughed, telling me there was no reason to thank her, but I continued until I got a notification from my phone and she offered to go order pizza before it got late.

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