enemies with benefits | 7

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Chapter Seven: Agree to Disagree


How was one supposed to answer when their sworn enemy suggested hooking up on the regular? And how was one supposed to answer with class when all they wanted to do was say yes and start making out, despite their best friend just being upstairs?

The answer is: you don't. You deflect.

So, despite my reservations to do so, I ended up saying, "no thanks. Terrible idea. Now go home."

His eyebrow rose up, unconvinced by my dismissal. For good reason too - I was a terrible liar, and deflecting seamlessly wasn't really my forte either. But regardless, I held my ground, not faltering in my decision even as he pushed himself off the doorframe and approached me.

Alexander moved until he was inches away from me. "If that's how you want to play it, sure. But I know you better than you think I do, Kels, and I know you want this."

"You're delusional." I said, stepping back. "Why would I ever want to sleep with you again?"

His answer was just a smile. I hated this - when he held all the cards and refused to play them. It made things confusing for me, and I never knew where we stood. It was always a game to him, and he was always winning.

And it was always unfair.

"See you around, Kelsie." Alexander said, and then left.

I stood there for several seconds, trying to compose myself after his offer before I went upstairs to join my best friend. I was worried she'd question where I was for so long, or that she'd complain about how long I took. But I got none of that - she was busy munching on a chocolate bar and scrolling through her phone to notice me walk in.

When my bedroom door shut behind me, she looked up and put her phone away.

"There you are! Now, I found this quiz on which car model would be best for you based on your personality, and I thought we could both take it out of curiosity. Neither of us have cars yet, so this would be the perfect way to figure it out!

I nodded and sat beside her.

Anything to forget the boy I spoke to downstairs.


The next day at school, my locker was stuck. I sighed, knowing that whatever was causing the jam was thanks to the antics of the worst guy on the planet. Quite frankly, I was tempted to just leave my locker like this forever so I didn't have to deal with whatever was on the other end - I didn't have to be a genius to know whatever Alexander put in wouldn't be easy to clean up.

However, I also knew I wouldn't want to be the only person in senior year who carried everything around in one massive backpack like I was still in middle school. So, sucking it up, I did my best to pry my locker open, pulling at the handle as I fought against the metal restraints.

After a while, and with Daisy's help, I managed to get it open. I expected for something to fly out, causing me to miss homeroom cleaning it up, but nothing fell out.

To my utter surprise, Alexander had nothing to do with it. The cause of my locker-jam was due to my coat, which I had left in there yesterday in case I dragged Daisy outside again.

"Well, that's good, isn't it?" Daisy said when I stared blankly at my locker. "That could have been much worse. Remember the condom incident in freshman year?"

"Of course I remember. All of senior year does." I said, my voice distant. When I snapped back and I was no longer shocked, I finally made sense of my thoughts. "Well, I suppose we don't have another incident to deal with now. Let's just go to homeroom."

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