The Pax Convention

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|Graser's POV|

Once I arrived at the house, I saw that some of the guys were already there. We started hanging out and 'chilled'.

"DINGGGG DONNGG" I heard the doorbell ring and once I opened the door, I saw my Boy Kenny G! We all greeted him and behind him was 2 girls. Kevin introduced us to a girl name Meg and she had a beautiful changing color hair thingy.
(A/N It's an ombré Graser!)
She was also wearing an outfit that I don't know what it was and light green converse.
And the other girl named Ava had brown hair and jeans and a T-Shirt and had black converse.

---At the Pax Convention---
We arrived at the convention to get our tickets sorted out and the girls decided to go to their hotel and get settled. Once we got to the entrance, we saw a couple of fans that asked us to take a picture, sign things etc.

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