Getting Ready

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I wake up from the bright sunshine outside and I turn around to see Will still sleeping. I look at him and think at how much I'm gonna miss him. I give a quick kiss on the lips and walk until he grabs me by my arms.
"Stayy-y with me" he groans
"We have to get up! My dads coming!" I say as I smack him on his arms"
"Finne-e" he groans more. I go into my room and see I got many text messages.

Jordan Baloney: I love you

I freak out. I don't know what to say. Do I say I love you back or!! I don't know! But later I decided to not say anything.
I go into the kitchen and see mom setting and cleaning the place up and Jason eating. I say good morning to them and head into my room to pick something cute-summery-and something I barely wear.
I pick out a cute red dress with a belt and earrings, brown shoes and my favorite pair of sunglasses. I put on my outfit and go into my bathroom and brush my teeth and put on a bit of makeup since I'm seeing my dad! I put on a simple eyeliner wing, a bit of nude eye shadow and my Soft Lips-lip balm. I head outside into the halls and go downstairs to Will's room. I knock and he says come in.
I come in and he is getting dressed.
"Hey" I said
"Hey" he says as I pout
"What's wrong?" He asks
"I'm going to miss you so so so much!!!!" I whine
"I'm going to miss you too but you have Jordan" he says standing up and picking a shirt
"BUT I DONT WANT JORDAN! CANT YOU SEE I LOVE YOU?!" I half scream and cry. he ignores me and I make a 'ugh' sound and leave the room.
I go into the kitchen and grab a snack bar and eat it up while thinking. I see Jason come in and he is dressed in a cute fancy polo-ish shirt.
"Are you excited?!" He asks
"Of course" I smile. We talk for a bit more and Ava comes and I tell her everything.
"Okay Kids! Lets go to the airport to meet your father!" mom says while grabbing her things. Jason, Ava, Will, and I get into Mom's car. Mom is driving and Jason is in the passenger's seat and Ava, Will and I are in the back.
(car seats~)
Mom Jason
Ava Will Me
I stare out the window and think and is still confused. Will grabs my hand but I hesitate for a minute and think. I honestly love Will but still have feelings for Jordan.
"Soo...Who's excited to see Dad?" Mom says trying to break the silence.
"Me" I say
"Me too!" Jason says
"Me three!" Ava says
And everyone looks at Will
"Uhh... Me four" he says sarcastically. And I raise a eyebrow at him.
"It's just a I'm nervous of what he is going to think about me. I really love his daughter" and that made me smile and Will have me a kiss on my forehead.
SORRY! This is a boring chapter! Sorry sorry sorry! And omg! Cube elections!
Also sorry not doing SOTC now. I think I'm doing it EVERY OTHER CHAPTERS!

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