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Ava and I are sitting next to each other again. I look over and see Ava dancing in her seat with her headphones on. I get my MacBook out and go Twitter, YouTube and Cube. I sigh
"Hey Ava?" I say as I tap her on her shoulder. She stops dancing and takes off her headphones.
"Yeah? What's Up?" She asks
"Well, you know how before I came to LA, I planned on going to the UK to meet Will?" I say as she nods
"Well, I asked Brayden for advice...and he said I should go" I say
"That's great!" She says
" I don't even have feelings for him anymore." I say as she gives me a 'really?' Look
"Okay.. Maybe a little" I say
"Then go.. So what if you don't like him, you just went to see a friend" she says
"Thanks for the advice" I say hugging her. She continues to play her music, and can I tell you that I can hear it through her ears. As for I, I also play my music on Spotify and just relax.
The flight ends. I try to yawn because my ears are blocked. Ava and I stand up and we exit the plane.
"Wanna get StarBucks?" Ava asks
"Yes please" I say as we take a turn.
When we exit the plane place, we go to the nearest StarBucks place we can find.
"Hi, can I get a Cotton Candy Frappe?" Ava orders and then pays
"Um can I get a White Chocolate Mocha?" I ask and then I pay
We go to our luggage claim and I see my luggage and I grab it.
I see Jason waiting for us and I run to him and hug him.
"Hey Bro!" I say
"Hey! How was LA?" He ask
"AMAZING!" I say as we head into his car and he starts the engine.
"Cool" he says.
Ava asks if she can sleep over and I said yes and we arrive at her house to get her things. We both head inside and I am greeted by her parents.
First they kiss Ava non-stop and her cute little brother and sister come.
"Hi Meg! How are you?" Clair, Ava's Mom greets me
"Good! How about you?" I say as I hug George, Ava's Father.
"Fantastic! And how are your parents doing?" she ask
"Great!" I say
"Ahh! Meg!" Audrey, Ava's little sister says as she jumps on me and I grab her and hug her.
"Hey Aud!" I say (Aud is her nickname)
"I missed you!" She says in her cute toddler voice.
"Hi Meg!" Max, Ava's little brother says as he stands in front of me. I put Audrey down and mess with Max's hair. {Man Ava has a big and cute family!}
Max and Audrey are twin but not identical twins. That would be weird.They are 2 1/2 years old.
"Mama, can I sleep over Megs?" Ava asks as he comes down from her room.
"Sure Baby!" Clair says.
After Ava gets her stuff, we head back to the car.
It is about night now so we hurry quickly. We head back home and knock on the door.
|A lot of welcome back greetings|
"So Meg, Ready to go to UK?" Dad says
"Ehh" I say
"What?!" My mom says disappointed
"Well I met a guy in LA, His name is Brayden" I say as I show them the picture of Brayden and I.
"Awe you guys are cute" Mom says
"I Know! But what makes him better is that he's sweet, hilarious and so caring! He even told me that I should go to the UK" I say
"And he's your boyfriend? and he's telling YOU to go see your ex-boyfriend?" My dad says
"Yep" I say
"Okay..." My mom says as they get my tickets ready
|Meg's Bedroom|
"Ugh! How can I survive without my bestest friend?" Ava asks as she looks in the mirror while braiding her hair.
"I'm sure you'll be fine" I say.
But the real question is WILL I?
Ahh! Cant believe I wrote this much chapters! Now...
SOTC: JPloves_lives You're my Best friend 💗💗

Ps: I might not write often due to summer homework and just vacation and fun!

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