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|Kevin's POV|

Once we finished doing things with our fans, we got inside and waited in the line. In the corner of my eyes, I saw a similar face. Ashley? My ex-girlfriend. I am now wishing that she wouldn't approach me, but instead she was already headed towards me.

"Kevin! Omg hey!" She says while twisting her hair.

"Oh hey Ashley. umm what-- chaaa doing heaa?" I said in such a nervous tone.

"Well I felt bad for our break-up and wanted to get, you know? Back together??"

"Umm actua..." Before I finished Straub butted in and said-

"Hey! Wanna meet with us tomorrow? We are going to
iHop at 10am!" Then I gave Straub a glared look and he gave me a look that almost say 'you'll thank me later'. I now am happy that Meg and Ava didn't come because it would've gotten worse.

"That would be amazing! See you there!" Ashley says blowing a kiss but I dodged it without her knowing.

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