Chapter 8

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Kai stared at the far wall, unable to fall asleep. The room was dark and his blanket was draped over his shoulders, but his mind wouldn't settle down. The fear from his recent vision was still fresh in his mind. What if I have another dream when I fall asleep? he thought. What if I really drown this time? His breath quickened as he remembered how Lloyd had nearly scared the life out of him. What if he does the same thing tomorrow?

A knock sounded at his door and Kai heard it creak open.

"Kai?" came the voice of Garmadon. "Are you still awake?"

Kai didn't move or make a sound. His gaze traveled to the floor. He remembered how rejected he had felt when Garmadon left him to talk to Lloyd instead. And Lloyd didn't even need it, he thought. Much less wanted it.

"I'm sorry we couldn't talk earlier," Garmadon went on, guessing the red ninja was still awake. "But if you still want to, we can now."

Kai took a deep breath, unable to resist. He was about to sit up when he heard a second set of footsteps.

"Hey, Dad," came Lloyd's voice. "Can I... um... show you... something?"

Garmadon gazed at Kai, who still hadn't moved. He sighed. "Of course," he murmured and followed Lloyd down the hall.

Kai furrowed his eyebrows. Wait a minute... He sat up and looked across the room at the door. It definitely didn't sound like Lloyd was sure of what he had said. Kai scratched his head and looked down. It was almost as if he was just making an excuse to... He blinked. To get Sensei Garmadon away from me.

* * *

The next morning, Cole furrowed his eyebrows as he found Lloyd walking down the hall.

"Hey!" he called, walking in front of the green ninja.

Lloyd raised an eyebrow. "Can I help you?" he snapped.

Cole felt anger rise inside of him. "I saw what you did to Kai last night," he growled.

Lloyd scoffed. "I didn't lay a hand on that sorry excuse for a ninja," he retorted.

Cole flinched at his insult. "Kai needed to talk to someone," he went on anyway. "And you knew it."

"Well, well, how the table turns," Lloyd hissed. "Not like anyone was there for me when I needed someone to talk to."

"Lloyd, the past is in the past," Cole huffed. Then he drew in a sharp breath. "I thought you said you wouldn't hurt Kai if I backed down."

Lloyd stared at him. "It doesn't look like you're backing down," he muttered.

Cole went silent.

"Besides," Lloyd continued, "I meant physically."

Cole's jaws gaped. "Hey, that doesn't—"

His voice cut off as Lloyd shot his sword out, pointing it at the black ninja's neck. Cole's breathing became shaky as he stared at the weapon with round eyes.

Lloyd glared at him for a moment longer before slipping his sword away again and continuing down the hall.

Cole struggled to steady his heartbeat and push away his fear. Lloyd didn't even have to say anything for him to get the message. The only thing I can do is go along with it, he thought dreadfully. Before Lloyd really hurts someone.

* * *

Cole sat down next to Jay at the breakfast table. He didn't dare look at Lloyd or Kai as he began eating, afraid of what could happen. Jay nudged him and nodded toward his bandaged arm.

Darkness from Within #5: Uneasy Trust (A Ninjago Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now