Chapter 26

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Lloyd blinked open his eyes, squinting as the bright sun hit his eyes. His gaze traveled downward where Ariana's head was rested on his chest. Eyes widening, he realized where he was and how late it was.

"Hey," he murmured, poking Ariana. "Hey, wake up."

Ariana stirred as he shifted upward, bringing her up with him. "We must've fallen asleep," he observed.

Ariana rubbed her eyes and looked up at the sky. "It's so late," she gasped, rising to her feet. "Thank goodness no one caught us."

Lloyd got to his feet as well. "I told you, this place is secluded," he stated. "No one will ever find us here."

"We should get back," Ariana said. "They'll be wondering about us."

Lloyd turned toward her. "I wish I could go home with you," he sighed.

Ariana nudged him. "Wishing doesn't do any good," she pointed out.

"I guess you're right." Lloyd took a step back. "I promise you, I'm going to get that sword as soon as possible."

Ariana bit her lip. "But—"

Lloyd put his finger to her mouth. "No 'buts'," he told her. "This is our destiny." He smirked. "I'll see you soon." Without another word, he spun around and disappeared into the forest.

Ariana watched him go. With a sigh, she turned and headed toward the town of Baddie Bend.

* * *

With the fierce wind whipping at her back, Ariana grunted as she slipped into her room from the window. Shaking her head, she straightened up when she heard footsteps behind her.

"You're back."

She whipped around to find Joseph behind her and let out a breath of relief. "It's just you," she murmured.

"Well?" Joseph came closer. "What did he say?"

Ariana sighed. "I tried to tell him, Joseph," she said. "But he still has his heart set on stealing the elemental sword. He's planning on stealing it this week."

Joseph scratched his chin. "Well, that's just great," he muttered sarcastically. "It looks like we're gonna have to get Jimmy over there."

"No, not yet."

Joseph jerked in alarm as Jimmy suddenly appeared beside him. He gave a frustrated hiss. "Dude, stop doing that!"

"Wait a few more days," Jimmy went on. "'Till his mind is cleared."

"Jimmy's right," Ariana stated. "Lloyd's all over the place right now."

"So what do we do?" Joseph inquired. "Wait until he's bored?"

Ariana shrugged. "I guess so. If we don't, how is he gonna figure out he's—"

"Losing the game?" Jimmy interrupted weirdly louder.

Ariana's eyes flashed. "Yeah," she added. "We don't want to make him feel bad."

Joseph gave them a thanks a lot look. "I'm not losing," he stated. "I'm winning."

Ariana glanced at Jimmy. "Sorry, but that's not what it looks like."

Jimmy nodded as he heard the receding sounds of footsteps and they all let out a sigh of relief.

"That was close," Ariana murmured.

Joseph shook his head. "We gotta be careful about what we say around here," he muttered.

Darkness from Within #5: Uneasy Trust (A Ninjago Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now