Chapter 6

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Kai leaned over his desk, breathing heavily. He felt confused and stressed. There was something—some feeling—deep inside of him, but he couldn't figure it out. He tried his hardest to uncover it and identify what it meant, but nothing worked. What happened? he wondered. I used to be good at this stuff.

But that wasn't the first time it had happened.

Ever since his duel with Lloyd, nothing seemed to make sense anymore. His feelings were barely there anymore, and when they were, they were too small to identify. He hadn't had a vision in a long time, and although that meant he wasn't in pain as often, he felt... lost. Like a part of him was missing. He had grown so used to his new power that now he felt empty inside. It was as if the duel hadn't just drained his energy, but had also drained his powers. But how could this happen? Kai thought. Was that all there was to it? Was my power not for something greater? Or did it have no point to it since the start?

Kai sighed and straightened up again. He would talk about it with Cole, but the black ninja seemed overwhelmed enough as it was. Especially since Lloyd moved back in, Cole always looked unfocused and confused. Kai wondered what the black ninja was going through, but Cole never told him about it. It's probably nothing, he thought. Because wouldn't he have told me by now if it was something important?

Shrugging it off, Kai headed toward his bedroom door when he heard a voice.

"Kai," it called.

Kai froze, glancing around warily. He didn't recognize the voice. "Who's there?" he hissed.

"Turn around."

Kai whipped around, but still, he found no one behind him. He looked around wildly, but he didn't even hear the patter of footsteps. Then his gaze fell on his closet as an eerie feeling crept up on him. Heart pounding in his chest, he began to walk toward the closet, muscles tense. Then he spotted his elemental sword between the crack of the door.

Lightning suddenly crashed around him.

Kai gasped as the light flashed everywhere. He staggered on his feet as thunder roared in his ears and he felt rain pour down on him. His breath quickened.

Desperately trying to figure out what happened, his gaze flicked around, but all he could see were the flashing bolts of lightning. He gasped as his feet started to slip in the water and he fell to the ground. Letting out a groan, Kai squinted and looked over him as a figure of a person stalked toward him. He tried to identify it, but the lightning was nearly blinding him. He shut his eyes, panic forming inside of him. The thunder booming in his ears, the wind pressing at him from all sides, and most importantly, the rain beating down on him.

Starting to hyperventilate, Kai squirmed uncomfortably and desperately tried to shake the water off of him. Water, he thought. Had to be water!

He looked around wildly, but there was nowhere to shield himself from the storm. He stumbled to his feet again as the water began to rise underneath him. He staggered on his feet, fear overwhelming him as he felt himself becoming more and more soaked. Shaking from head to toe, he didn't know what to do as he found himself trapped in the middle of the storm. There was nowhere to run—it was enclosing on him.

He let out a cry of fear. I... I can't, he thought, growing dizzy. T-too much... too much... water...

Kai flared his arms as the water rose up to his chin. Hyperventilating, the red ninja felt his feet rise from the floor. Panic mounted inside of him. I can't swim! Trembling with fear, Kai lifted his head, struggling not to go under.

The water rose higher.

Kai gasped and drew in a deep breath as he was plunged underwater. He thrashed out his arms and legs desperately as he was drifted along in the current. He looked up at the light above the surface and his heart pounded. I'm gonna drown!

Darkness from Within #5: Uneasy Trust (A Ninjago Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now