Chapter 3

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“I’ll accept your terms,” Sydney said heavily, watching victory leap across Alexios’ features. She immediately wished she could recant. Instead, offered the weak, “Contingent upon speaking to my dad without you in the background strong arming him.”

He dipped his head imperiously. “Certainly. Though ‘strong arming’ is rather a harsh term. After all, I am paying you a princely sum, and I did offer him help, which he refused.”

She snorted. Crossed her arms over her chest. “Wasn’t it you who said your bar was dying? Why would we want help from the staff that is running your place into the ground?”

Once more he smiled, just a small one that nevertheless lightened his expression and brought her attention to those curving, full lips. Reluctantly, she dragged her gaze back to his.

 “Touché,” he replied. “So, contingent upon your father’s answer, would it be possible for you to come to The Midas Touch at, say, five P.M. today in order to see the place? I can get the necessary paperwork done by then, as well. ”

His repetition of her own word had Sydney’s hackles rising. Really, he was the most arrogant man she’d met, outside of a few drunks here at Jimmy’s on occasion. But she had no reason to refuse, so she nodded slightly and agreed.

 “Good. Then I’ll see you this evening. When you get there, just have the concierge call me. I’ll notify him of your arrival ahead of time.” He looked intently at her, and she resisted the urge to squirm. “Whether you think I’ve strong armed you into this or not,” he said seriously, emphasizing her word one more time, “I do appreciate your agreeing to help. I promise you will be well-compensated. Till tonight?” He raised his brows and she nodded slightly. Watched him turn and exit into the bar. The connecting door shut quietly behind him.

 Sydney took a deep breath and exhaled. Knew she’d never been so curiously affected by a man’s presence like she’d been in Alexios Verga’s last night and then again today. Resented the fact, since he represented everything she disliked in the male species. Arrogance, conceit, money, entitlement. She just wished all that didn’t come wrapped up in the body of a Greek god. It would be so much easier to dislike him if he looked like a troll. Discarding her thoughts, she turned and knocked before entering her father’s office.

He raised his head from his paperwork, and a wide grin crossed his lined face. He looked as if he’d just found a pot of gold. Well, he had, hadn’t he, after Alexios Verga’s visit? Sydney resisted the urge to grind her teeth.

 “Hi, Daddy,” she began, watching him take the unlit cigarette from his mouth and put it into the empty ashtray. He leaned back in his squeaky desk chair with his hands laced behind his head. Having quit smoking the day Sydney’s mother was diagnosed with cancer, he said there still wasn’t a day that went by he didn’t crave the habit. The dead cigarette was a reminder to stay strong against the desire.

 “How’s my favorite daughter this morning?” He asked jovially, and her heart sank some more. He really was happy today, and all because of the deal he’d made with the devil.

Leaning over to kiss his cheek, she then sat in the chair opposite and jumped right into what was on her mind.

“I’m worried, Daddy. That man you just talked to is unscrupulous. I turned his offer down last night. He wouldn’t take No for an answer and came and asked you. You shouldn’t have accepted.”

Her dad reached out and grabbed her hand. Held it tight until she met his eyes behind the cheaters he wore.

“Stop worrying about me, Syd. I’m stronger than I look.--”

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