Chapter 19

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The grand opening of the Midas lounge was in full swing, and Alexios still couldn't believe it was happening. He stood at the foot of the stairs leading up to the stage where the live band was rocking the revelers, and he couldn't stop staring. Confetti strewed the floor from the dedication an hour earlier, champagne was a flash flood overtaking everyone's common sense, and the place was so crowded he'd be lucky to make his way across the room to where his family stood.

His parents had been proud when he took them through the lounge earlier. Mama's eyes had watered, and she'd held him close, whispering, "I knew you could do it, Agoraki mou." Damned if he hadn't gotten a little misty-eyed himself. And Papa had hugged him tight. He should have known their faith in him was unshakeable.

Now he glanced over at the bar and spied Sydney behind it, totally in her element, juggling bottles expertly before pouring shots. He frowned. He'd told her she didn't need to work tonight of all nights, that she should be celebrating as part of the management team, but she'd insisted. And it had irked him. Why did she choose to bartend this evening?

He'd wanted her on his arm tonight, and not just because she looked smoking hot in that dress that left little to the imagination. He didn't see how she could be wearing anything under it, and the thought made him so hard he ached. Adding to his misery were those intriguing cut outs that exposed her sexy shoulders. He should be holding her close, cheering her for a job well done while whispering in her ear what he was going to do to her once he got her alone. So why the hell was he sharing her with all the partiers?

He could guess why, even though the words hadn't been spoken. It was because of that damn job interview with Hollenbeck that she'd gone to the other day. The one she'd been cautiously excited about and the one he was secretly ashamed that he hoped she wouldn't get. How twisted was that? He should have wished her good luck, and he had, but he hadn't meant it. Not really.

He didn't want her working anywhere else. He didn't want her in a place across town, helping one of his competitors get a leg up in the resort business. Because she would; she was that good. Last night, in desperation, he'd even offered her a position here at the Midas, a co-manager position with the current casino supervisor. Sydney had turned him down. He still smarted from her refusal.

They'd been in his bed, like any other night, though it had been close to two A.M. She'd been eating a bowl of raspberries while wearing some lacy tank that he could see right through to her skin. He'd lain back against the pillows and watched her through his lashes and blurted, "Stay here at the Midas."

She'd paused, full spoon halfway to that luscious mouth, and met his gaze with a tiny frown.

"Doing what?" He'd felt his pulse speed up at the hopeful look that crossed her face. She wanted to stay. He'd pushed himself up to a sitting position with his elbows.

"My floor manager."

"You have a floor manager. Lacy, remember?"

"You could co-manage."

The disappointment that flashed over her expression sank his buoying hopes. What the hell? He couldn't get rid of Lacy, but there was enough work for the two of them.

"And what do you think the other employees would say about that?" She finished off the raspberries, licking the spoon till his erection begged for the same attention. He started to lose the thread of the conversation, all his attention tunneling in on her mouth but not on the words she spoke.

"I dunno," he rasped, reaching for the empty bowl that she relinquished easily enough. Placing it on the nightstand, he added, "They all like you." Then he smoothed the sheet over his arousal, so that she could see just how desperate he was. Her eyes remained trained on his, however.

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