Chapter 9

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Alexios shoved his phone into his trouser pocket and straightened away from the wall when the door to the Aphrodite suite swung open. He'd taken up the position nearly an hour ago on the hunch that Sydney would rabbit early in the hopes of avoiding him. He hadn't taken into consideration that the comfort of her bed would induce her to sleep in late.

It didn't matter. He'd gotten time to ponder his decision to seduce her, and came to the conclusion that it might be easier than he'd first thought. Last night she'd look ready to initiate a kiss between them when he'd reached out and taken her hand, kissed her palm. He'd felt her quiver when he'd done it, and it had taken all his will-power to turn and walk away. He'd really wanted to pull her into his arms, run his hands all over her. Cover her with kisses and never stop.

But he'd already done something similar last week. He needed to change up his game. Make her want him more than he wanted her, if that was possible. And her reaction to him last night gave him hope.

The click of the door latch warned him that his quarry was on the move. Sure enough, Sydney slipped out into the hall, drew the door closed behind her, and then came up short on a squeak when she spied him.

He smiled, sliding his hands into his front pants pockets and pasting a politely innocent expression on his face. She looked good enough to eat, even though she wore yesterday's uniform, didn't have a stitch of make-up on, and had drawn her hair back into another of her crooked ponytails. He was famished to taste her, satisfied himself with sardonic tongue-in-cheek.

"Good morning, Sydney. I thought I'd come collect you for breakfast, in case you got lost and walked right out the front door without saying good-bye." She shot a wary look at him, and he swallowed his grin. He'd caught her off guard, though she rallied quickly enough.

"I'd never do that. It would be terribly rude."

He started to nod, falling into pace beside her as they moved down the carpeted hallway toward the elevators. He adjusted his longer stride to her jerky, quick one, which told him she was not pleased to be caught in the act. Too bad.

"I'd at least say thank you to Orrin," she added airily. It had been Alexios's idea for her to stay the night, not his brother's. He fought a grin at her deliberate attempt to annoy him. The mouse wasn't giving up the chase yet. He could admire her fortitude. It would make her capitulation that much sweeter.

They'd reached the elevators. The one he'd come up in was still there, so the doors opened when he punched the button and he waved her in. She leaned against the far wall and eyed him in his casual, gray, zip-collar sweater and matching trousers. When he planned to be inside the hotel all day a sweater was fine. Orrin kept the place too damn cold on the theory that contented tourists stayed longer. It seemed he was right, based on the hotel profits.

He settled back against the opposite wall. "Perhaps you'll have time to thank him after the breakfast I've ordered for us in the private dining room downstairs."

Her eyes widened at his words. "Oh. Oh, it's too late now. I have to get home--"

"Nonsense," he interrupted. "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. The chef can put together whatever you feel like having."

Right now she looked like she wanted his head on a platter for thwarting her disappearance. She was fighting their mutual attraction, and he didn't know how he felt about that. He liked the chase, was exhilarated when a woman's coyness turned to desire. But he'd never had a woman not want to be the recipient of his attention. It was...annoying, to say the least.

As they started their descent, the scent of all the flowery products Orrin had had the family approve before ordering it in truckloads permeated the car. Even through her obvious reluctance she intoxicated him with her fragrance, and he fisted his hands in his pockets so he wouldn't rush his seduction.

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