Part Five

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My phone rang and I checked the time and date. It was 6:40 on a Tuesday. I guess the sleeping pills weren't enough for two days. I sighed and got undressed in the bathroom. I turned on the shower and the water was freezing... Just the way I like it when I'm mad.

I turned on the radio and started listening to Bring Me The Horizon as I showered. I smiled because the song that came up was Hospital For Souls. I got out and grabbed a towel.

I looked at myself on the mirror. All I saw were scars, marks, and bruises that my parents gave me. I had a few new ones to the collection.

I grimaced at my reflection and quickly dressed into a gray mini skirt, black boots, a black adn grey striped blpuse to match my black jacket. I brushed my hair and then quietly opened the door, slowly going to the front door. My mum wasn't even awake and I knew because there wasn't any coffee.

I grabbed two twenties and left the damned house. I was at the front of the gate when I saw a car coming. It was red with no top, or at least from what I saw.

At the head was a chick with light brown hair, huge red lips and was wearing a white, very low, V-neck..

I scowled because I knew exactly who it was. And I hated that girl more than anyone.

"Heyy my little sister." Jenny said as she got out of her car. I balled my fists and took a deep breath. "Why the fuck are you here?" I asked coldly.

Jenny just smiled and giggled like I was a cute puppy. "But baby sister to see my mom of course." Jenny said and went to knock on the door. I decided to call Lucas.

L: Hey Juliet. What's up?
J: Nothing. The Slut is here. Can you pick me up like... Now?
L: Oh god sorry. Yeah I'll be there in a bit.

We hung up and I waited outside. Jenny was still at the front and the door hadn't opened "Well aren't you gonna knock or something?" I yelled at her. She looked back at me and scowled.

"I did already Juliet. Mom just hasn't opened yet." I looked at her and smirked.

"She probably knows it's you and doesn't wanna see the disappointment of a daughter she has so early in the morning." That made Jenny mad.

She went up to me and would've slapped me if it weren't for Lucas.

"Hey Julie- oh hi Jenny." Lucas said. Jenny looked up at him and her eyes widened. "Well heyy there. Who are you?" Jenny asked sweetly. Lucas looked like he wanted to barf and did the best thing ever.

"I'm Juliet's boyfriend." I smiled. We had agreed that if anyone ever asked him who he was he'd say he was my boyfriend. Jenny looked confused, then mad. "Oh." She said and stormed back to the front door.

I ran to Lucas's car and hugged him. "Thank Geesus for your amazing face!" I mumbled into his chest. He laughed and pulled me back. "Hey I doubt Mlayka would like seeing you all over me."

I rolled my eyes and sat back on the seat. Lucas drove to Mlayka's place cuz she also called saying she was lonely and wanted me and Lucas to go over.

We stopped in front of a two story house. We knocked on the door and a grinning Mlayka opened.

She had a Pikachu Onesy and I had the urge to take a picture. "Hey babycakes!" Mlayka said and wrapped her arms around my waist and kissed me.

Lucas coughed and grinned. "You girls have an obsession." I blushed but Mlayka shrugged. We went up to her room. Well let me back up a bit.

See Mlayka's family was rich. Mlayka had most of the top floor to herself. The bottom was like the house. It had three rooms and the other typical house rooms.

The top floor was divided in half. One half had a hallway with two other rooms and bathroom and the other half was Mlayka's room.

I laid back on her bed and she laid down next to me. I pulled her closer to me and laid against her chest. I closed my eyes and for a moment everything seemed fine. I heard Lucas and Mlayka talk while I just stayed calm. Soon I drifted off to sleep.

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