Part Seven

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The rest of the week passed by quickly. I canceled the double date with Lucas so he was alone with Jaden. Probably didn't mind I mean that ment more kissing and less awkward silences right?

I spent the week with Mlayka and only her until the day came and she left for one week to Los Angeles.

I didn't do much over the week. Went to school, got into a fight with some girl who thought she could just spit on me. Broke her finger.

Called her parents who wanted to sue me but ended up just getting suspended for the rest of the week after Thursday. Fine by me.

My mother and I had gotten into many fights during the week. I snapped at her, she pulled my hair. I'd yell back. She'd slap me. Normal days really...

My dad came back and didn't seem happy. I loved my dad and all but still... Sometimes he sided my mum on stupid things. But then came the weekend and I was happy again.

I decided to go for a walk and get some sunlight. Mlayka was coming back in two days and I couldn't wait for her to get here. I just couldn't.

I mean we hadn't even talked during the week. Odd. She always messaged me on long trips.

I brushed it off tho. Her mother probably didn't want her on the phone. Her mum was just annoying like that.

Two days later Mlayka called me. I smiled. "Hey babe! How was your week?' I asked cheerfully.

"Um... Interesting. Hey wanna meet somewhere? I gotta tell you something that can't be done over the phone." Mlayka said. There was a hint of... Urgency? Yeah urgency I guess, in her voice.

I said yes and went over to the park we agreed to meet at. She had a grim expression on her face. When she saw she immediately stood up. I grinned and went over to hug her.

She hugged back, but not like before. I leaned in to kiss her but she turned her face so I ended up kissing her cheek. I frowned.

"Mlayka... Is something wrong? Are you mad at me?" I asked. Mlayka took a deep breath and pulled away from me.

"Look Juliet I... I'm sorry. I see... I met someone else. Her name's Angel and-" I cut her off before she could say more.

"Oh okay. So... Okay fine Mlayka. Fine. I get it. Its over and we're done huh? Cuz you met a cute girl that might be a serial killer for all I know. Whatever. Bye." I said.

"Wait! Juliet let me explain!" Mlayka called back. I looked at her. "Isn't this what you wanted Mlayka?" I asked as I turned to face her.

"Well no- I mean yes but... But not this way!" Mlayka stuttered. "What you wanted to be the one saying the breakup line? Fine then go ahead." I said between sobs.

"Juliet..." I shook my head. "Bye Mlayka. This is what you wanted so there. Its over." I said as I ran towards my house. I couldn't deal with anything anymore. I couldn't.

My mum and dad were out in some date. So I took this as the opportunity to finally leave. I went to my dresser and dug through my clothes until I found what I was looking for: a pill bottle.

I grabbed it and took out the remaining pills along with their partner, the razor. I popped one pill at a time until all 30 of them were gone. I slit my wrist with each pill I took.


Because I lost everything. I lost my best friend. My girlfriend. And my parents don't love me anyways. Nor does my bitch of a sister. So why live?

I felt myself lose track of time. I lost track if my head. My sights. My body went numb. I felt my heart beat slow down... And I fell.

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