Part Twenty-eight~Jalex

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I couldn't stop thinking about the letter, and my aunt wouldn't explain shit. This morning I asked her, and she feigned to not remember anything. Too bad she had taken the notebook last night, so I didn't have any evidence to show her the notebook and K. I mean, last night had been really real, but aunt just wouldn't admit it.

I was walking about the park, getting ready for Juliet's arrival from the Los Angeles trip. I'm surprised she went there of all places. I mean, not surprised, more like unhappy.

Juliet had been invited to her ex-girlfriend's funeral thing, and she of course went.

Is it bad I resented her for that? God, I can be so heartless sometimes. I guess that year of therapy only did so much.

My thoughts came back to last night, and I let out a frustrated scream, causing little kids and mothers to turn around at the crazy girl in the swing.

I needed something to distract me. Before I entered the place crazier than The Land Of Ooo, I would normally call up my cousin Karilyn. Weird name, I know. But my whole family is a weird shit so whatever.

That is, before Karilyn moved to fucking Paris and started a life there. Besides, I don't blame her. She is older than me by I'd say three years, and my aunt didn't want her to be stuck in the small house I'm currently living at.

So off Karilyn goes, on an adventure to the wonderful land of Paris, France.

Someone's arms around my waist snapped me out of my thoughts, and I shrieked, turning around. I calmed down and smiled widely once I noticed Jaylee standing there with an eyebrow cocked.

"Well, what a nice greeting to your beloved girlfriend, Jalex." I laughed, and brought her neck over and kissed her jawline lightly.

"Sorry, love." I mumbled against her neck. "You scared me."

Juliet rolled her eyes and pushed me back. "I'm not that ugly."

I laughed, and proceeded to kissing her lips longingly. She didn't hesitate in deepening the kiss. Our tongues fought for dominance, while my hands traveled down her back, and grasped her thigh. I pulled her closer, but damn the swing between us.

We pulled back, and I let out a laugh. "Fucking swing."

"Right." Jaylee hoffed, a hint of blush on her pale cheeks.

"So, I have a story to tell you." I began.
"So, you don't know about this 'K'. No clue?" Jaylee asked for the fifth time. She kept looking at me like I was some sort of idiot, as if she knew who it was. Last I knew it though, we recently just met like six months ago, and I had told her about this like, half an hour ago. She couldn't know.

Unless there's something in my story/gossip thing that she caught onto that I had bypassed completely. Typical me though. I never thought twice about rechecking my work.

Could explain why I failed all my classes in grade school...

"Well why don't you simply ask your cousin, Karilyn, about it. She could know a little something." Jaylee told me, slowly.

I shrugged. "I mean, I guess. But I don't think she'd be too interest in it. After all, she left to Paris because she wanted to get away from all the drama in this place. She was worried about leaving her mother, but as you can see, aunty is just fine."

Jaylee kept looking at me like I was a lost puppy.

"Jalex," Juliet began, "have you by any chance realized your cousin's name begins with K?"

I thought for a moment, then gave her sheepish grin. "Oh yeah," I finally stated stupidly, "never thought about it."

"No shit you didn't." Jaylee mumbled, rolling her eyes.

I pouted. "Quit rolling your eyes at me, or else they'll fall out and you'll burn in Hell."

Jaylee stared at me wide eyed. "Sweety, those months in the mental institute weren't enough now, where they."

I playfully slapped her arm. "Shut up."


Okay yeah that's it, I can't think of any ending, it's just... I don't know, I felt like the story should've ended long ago, when Jalex and Juliet left the hospital, but I didn't want it to end THERE. Anywho, I am working on another lesbian story, so keep in touch for that lol

Thank you to those few people who stayed with me on this fine journey.

Much loves,

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