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Total Word count:1220

3rd person POV

After receiving the symbol of peace's quirk, he had been informed of a slight issue with him using it. All might had said he might experience some 'serious backlash' but he didn't know he meant it would literally shatter his bones! The man had shot off quite soon after transferring him the quirk so Izuku had to test it out alone. All might had to return just five minutes later when Izuku called him with a broken finger.

Thankfully for him, all might was able to get him a doctor with a healing quirk while at the hospital thanks to his status so there were no questions to deal with from his mother. After that, Izuku had decided to continue training alone.

His mentor hadn't been much of a help so far. Not too long after the broken finger incident, Izuku had asked him for advice on the upcoming UA entrance exams. His advice. And I quote was to "squeeze his butt cheeks together and yell smash" you know amazing advice considering that would LITERALLY break him. Luckily Izuku was used to doing things himself, when you're quirkless if you need something you get it yourself. No one else was going to help you.

The next day, Izuku sat himself down at his desk with an open notebook, interlocking his fingers and stretching his arms out infront of him. He then grabbed his pencil and began to scribble, muttering continuously as he did so. Izuku was making a profile of himself, though technically it was mostly just a profile on one for all, he theorised different uses of the quirk, things about its origin (which all might had only vaguely explained to him)etc.

Everything had been noted down, filling about 7 pages of his book. Thanks to this, he had came up with a theory about channeling the quirk throughout his body like how all might did. He had no idea why he thought it had been a good idea to just use it all on one body part last time,he had seen how powerful the quirk was with his own eyes as all might used it! it was no wonder his finger exploded!

He spent a few days working on this idea, eventually getting to the point where he was surrounded by streaks of green energy. This developed to him being able to move around while keeping this state, he mostly still used dagobah beach to train. However, since it had recently became a lot cleaner more people had begun visiting with their family and friends. It made Izuku smile to see the fruits of his labour blossoming.

Izuku was no idiot, he knew that simply being able to use the quirk wasn't enough to get into UA. Every other applicant could already use theirs and probably a hell of a lot better than he could. He'd need real skills to give him an edge over his fellow examinees, this is why Izuku decided to apply for several martial arts dojos. There wasn't really any other practical way for him to get better at using the quirk and such skills would still come in handy with or without a quirk.

His teachers at the dojo's were definitely harsh with him but he expected nothing else, this is how he would learn real discipline. Thanks on the large part to Izuku's determination and practice at home, he flew through his classes, having mastered the basics of most and a few more slightly more advanced moves (specifically in aikido which was his favourite one). He had effectively levelled the playing field between him and the other examinees that were to be there but he still needed that edge. That little thing to put him just above the others.

Research. One of Izuku's specialities was digging up information, he'd once even managed to get into government files for some information on underground heroes. Their information is often kept from the public because well underground heroes. It took him around an hour to get into it but he soon found the information he was looking for on the UA website, in all honestly Izuku had been prepared for about five hours of work getting through the security system. I mean it was created by nezu! The smartest creature known on the planet. He'd expected no less from him.

The information he had dug up made Izuku grin widely in victory, this was just the type of edge he needed to pass. The test would be pitting the examinees against robots in a faux city, Izuku adjusted his training to fit with this. He had before along with his other training been factoring in emotional responses and the random elements that came with battling against a human being but robots were mechanical, there would likely be patterns to their movements. Izuku cut these parts out entirely, he could focus on those after he passed the exams. Beginning to focus solely on offensive strength, Izuku also began eating more to fuel his constant physical activity.

The two months went by in a flash, the once noodle armed Izuku now being quite well built from his constant training. All might still met up with his student on a mostly weekly basis though these visits only lasted about five minutes each, and that was if the hero even showed up in the first place. Izuku just figured the man was busy 'he's the number one hero! Of course he'd be busy.' Izuku had thought to himself but the small voice in his head also decided to chip in 'A mentor shouldn't abandon their student though. There are lots of other heroes that could pick up the slack while he helps you. Maybe he just doesn't care about you, you're not all that important really are you? Maybe he's figured it out? That you're a no good filthy liar.'

Izuku shook the words from his head, of course all might cared! He cares about all of his fans, Izuku was not only his biggest fan but his student so why wouldn't he care about him? Even if the hero found out he'd lied he was sure he'd still care, he wouldn't abandon him now! He knew Izuku had what it took, he'd said so himself!

As much as Izuku tried to convince himself of this, the whispering voice of doubt still remained in his head.

The day of the exam came, Izuku was wearing his old junior high uniform as he ate his breakfast with his mother rushingly. He quickly slipped on his shoes before waving goodbye to her "Good luck Izu!" She called to her son as she was washing up their dishes "Thanks mom!" He called back before rushing out the door with a slight spring in his step. Today he would take the UA entrance exams and hopefully win his place in the school. Just ten months ago, Izuku never could've imagined himself feeling even slightly confident about whether or not he'd get in.

He'd come so far!

Izuku crossed over the final road before coming to his destination, now stood in front of the large metal UA gate. 'This is where my future lies.' Izuku thought to himself as he stepped inside.

Well maybe it did in another universe. But definitely not in this one.

A/N: I did it!

•I finally managed to finish the next chapter!

•Sorry this one took so long, the next update hopefully won't take another month lol

•My chapters also are not proof read as of yet and this will be stated in every authors note, I will however be going through everything I've written so far at some point in the future to fix mistakes and just make general edits. Until then if you were to point out any spelling mistakes so I could fix them I'd be quite grateful.

•I honestly don't know what else to put here sooooo

Until next time? <3

Until next time? <3

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