Nisemono continues on his way down the street, his stride firmer than before with his new purpose planted in his mind. He wasn't exactly sure where he was going but *grumble* by the sound of it he'd need to find some food first. The little he'd packed had only lasted him so long and had long since ran out. It didn't take him long to find a convenience store on the busy city street, he pushed open the glass door, the bell above it ringing to signal his entry as he stepped inside. He knew he'd grabbed enough money to at least last him a little while but he didn't really have the facilities to be cooking anything right now... snacks it was then!

Nisemono scooped up a couple of random packets along with a bottle of some sort of fruit juice and brought them over to the counter. The cashier began to scan his items absentmindedly before freezing midway through, nisemono looked up to see a familiar face of twisted disgust staring back at him. "Get out now or I'll call the police. We don't serve vermin like you here." Came the cashiers voice as she grabbed a broom from behind the counter, climbing over as she practically shoved him out with the handle "Don't show your face here again!" She called out as she shoved nisemono out of the door, leaving him in an undignified heap on the pavement before slamming the door shut behind her.

Nisemono could feel the eyes on him again. He quickly pulled himself up from the ground and scrambled away from the area, he ran father and father. Wherever he went the eyes followed. Until there were eventually no more. Nisemono found himself in the part of town he'd never before dared to enter, the far west district. A melting pot for society's scum and outcasts known for its high crime rates and drug prevalence. Just yesterday he'd have stuck out like a sore thumb here but now he more than belonged in a place like this. It was practically inviting him in.

Nisemono was welcome here. He was one of them. Thrown away after not fitting the picture perfect image that hero society projected. He wouldn't complain. He'd brought this upon himself after all. What right did he have to complain about it?

Nisemono kept on walking through the more desolate streets, the sky growing dark as the street lights eventually lit up albeit flickering wildly. He walked and walked for who knows how long. It could've been hours, days, weeks? He wouldn't know. All he could think about was the howling of his stomach, he hadn't found a single store in this place that wasn't abandoned or repurposed as some kind of criminal hideout. His stomach growled and gurgled at him as his joints too screamed at him in protest of walking any longer, his still mostly unhealed bones scraping against one another searingly beneath his flesh. Nisemono could feel as his legs grew weaker and weaker, eventually giving way and sending him promptly crashing to the floor.

His head smashed into the stone below his feet and the last thing he could remember before passing out was the arrow of pain that shot sharply through his skull.

A man with scraggly blue hair made his way down the barren street holding a carrier bag filled to the brim with a various video games and another stuffed full of snacks. Keeping his eyes fixed on the pavement below him as he walked. Soon a figure on the ground came into his field of vision as he stopped in front of the obstacle. He was about to step by whoever it was but then stopped as he noted the figure's small stature.

He reached down with curiosity to pull down the kid (he presumed)'s hood, his eyes widening in both shock and excitement as he was met with a head of matted green curls. He quickly tipped the boy's chin up to see his face and confirmed that he had indeed, just found the ex UA student Izuku midoriya passed out on the street in the far west district. Luck seemed to have been on his side today, he'd found the boy just as he'd been cast out from society by the heroes he had once worshipped, what better a time to try to recruit him?

Shigaraki pulled his phone out of his pocket, sending a text to kurogiri with his coordinates. As convenient as the warp gate was shigaraki much preferred walking back to the bar, both for the scenery and for the independence it gave him. Unfortunately, he couldn't do so comfortably while hauling the boy along with him so he had no real choice but to have kurogiri bring them to the bar and sacrifice today's walk.

A swirling void of purple suddenly appeared beside them, shigaraki threw the boy's unconscious form through before hopping through himself still clutching his two bags tightly. He appeared on the other side back in the bar, kurogiri sending him a questioning look as he waited for an explanation for the ex UA student's presence "Found him passed out in the far west district so I brought him here." Shigaraki explained as he crouched down to the kid's level on the ground taking in the tired sunken-in face that sat in front of him "He looks like he's already dead..." He muttered to himself.

"He looks to be severely malnourished, should I call for the doctor?" Kurogiri asked as he moved towards the phone "Yeah probably. Keep an eye on him." Shigaraki replied as he walked out of the bar in the direction of his bedroom. Honestly he wasn't quite sure whether the boy he'd found really was the midoriya Izuku that he'd faced during the USJ attack, he looked like an entirely different person. Though that could've been thanks to the whole malnourishment thing, he suspected it was something a bit more than that...

The doctor hadn't taken long to show up and after being filled in on the situation he had quickly gotten to work. He'd kept AFO alive after his fight with all might that had ended up costing him his sight and so he already had most of the equipment he needed ready for him to use. He hooked the boy up to the machines and then prepared and inserted a feeding tube to try and get some healthy weight back on his fragile frame.

It took a good week or so but the doctor was able to nurse him into a relatively stable condition, setting the stage for the boy to finally wake up from the mini coma he'd been in since arriving.

Liar/Nisemono (technically villain Izuku/deku?)Where stories live. Discover now