1000 Green beige | hongsan

432 13 5

𝐇𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐣𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐠 + 𝐒𝐚𝐧

angsty, fluff


Wooyoung is addicted to parties, alcohol, and noisy places where young people have fun, and San knows that nothing good awaits him, when the younger approach him with that smug smile coating his lips.


For a moment, he contemplates whether he should turn around and pretend as if he hasn't heard him or listen to what that sly fox wants to ask now. But San has always been a humble person by nature, his goodwill showing in every deed he does, and therefore, he can't force himself to ignore the younger, despite his yawning wish. So he turns around in the hallway, noticing the hand that reaches for his shoulder.

Wooyoung smiles at him, suddenly trying to play innocent, even though San already has seen the huge smirk on his face, "San, there you are, I've searched for you everywhere, man!" he exclaims while moving his arm around the hind of San's neck.

The other wants to roll his eyes at him, because no, Wooyoung has definitely not searched anywhere for him, that would be such foolish to believe.

"You have? I didn't know," San retorts with discreet sarcasm, but Wooyoung picks it up nevertheless and shoves him sideways.

"Hey, stop mocking me," the younger grumbles and lets go of him again when they reach his locker. San watches how Wooyoung basically throws his books in without any care and slams the locker shut, and he can't help but feel a bit bad for those expensive items. When he turns around to his friend again, his eyes are suddenly lit, as if he remembers why he even 'wanted' to find San.

They have known each other since elementary school, and it is still a mystery for San why a boisterous, lively, outgoing boy chooses to befriend a quiet, introverted boy in a class with at least thirty others. Wooyoung says he doesn't even remember why.

But indeed Wooyoung remembers what he wants to ask him now, San senses it with alerts, and he already knows what he will answer.

"No, Wooyoung, I will not."

"Come ooon, San-iie!~ It will be fun, you always say you don't have time for parties! Just come with me this one time, I promise you that you will not regret it later," Wooyoung whines as he clings to San's arm while they cross the school's parking lot. He sounds so desperate as if his life depends on receiving one specific answer.

It is not the first time that Wooyoung has begged him to go with him, in fact, he does that every week, but his small brain just seems to forget how stubborn San is too.

He will not go.

San sighs deeply, his brows frowning as he looks away from Wooyoung. He hates parties; too much noise, too many people, too much alcohol. He thinks the whole concept is unnecessary and at times completely dumb. But Wooyoung thinks differently.

"You're so boring, seriously, what's wrong with having a little fun sometimes?"

San scoffs at him, "Yeah, and you basically go to parties every week like you're addicted to it, doesn't it tire you just the slightest?"

Even when they reach the bus stop, Wooyoung still clutches his coat, and San pushes him away, "Go home, I don't want to be a part of your stupid party-addiction," he says while the younger stumbles a step away, but quickly maintains his balance again.

"I'm going with you home, you idiot," Wooyoung states, and San can now do nothing about the issue embracing him, literally.

"You cannot convince me," San tells him but only receives a doubtful hum from the other.

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