6038 Luminous green | yunsang

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𝐘𝐮𝐧𝐡𝐨 + 𝐘𝐞𝐨𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐠

Werewolves, mystic, alluring, noticeable, dystopia, detailed gore, murder, torment


The first leaf had yet to touch the ground this year. Unlike last year, the time had already passed the traditionally day with a full month, and that was very strange, regarded nothing was never not in time. Not here.

And he knew they were getting hungry.

Days were still filled with the lovely warmth of the sun, anticipation filling the air with toxic tugs of butchery, and people were smiling as their lives depended on it. Flowers still filled the gardens with memories of summer, and the scents forced the ugly on a run. But they were still among them.

Yeosang bend his head and glanced over his shoulder at the sound of a shrieking car. His fingers were buried deep into his pockets, hair whirling around in the early autumn wind as he waited for a sign. No one spared him a look, remaining their attention to their own lives. Hundreds of people passed him every single day, and yet he knew that everyone kept an eye on the closest other. Yeosang's blonde wavy hair was a pure sight, covering his restless eyes the slightest, his black turtleneck under his long black coat had others resting a look at him for a longer time than needed. He smelled the fear surrounding him and licked his lips for relief.

The city he lived in wasn't small but huge and famous, tremendous and well-known for a certain case of secrets. In the heart of the city, a beautiful tree stood, waving its leaves around in the wind, and people were always sitting around it, enjoying its abilities of calmness, not even science could explain. Every year at the end of summer, more people than normally could be found around said tree, waiting for the first green leaf to turn red and fall to the ground. Yeosang was there too, always clamping his hands in his pockets as sweat formed across his skin. His heartbeat would beat fast in an uneven rhythm that he knew others must be aware of.

And now he crossed the road, his mind wandering off to places that were foreign, thoughts were taking over. Last year, the first leaf had fallen on the rightful date, making the pledged sign for allowance, and they had suddenly creeped out from the shadows, teeth long and sharp. It always happened that people would run to catch the falling leaves to prevent the event from starting, filling their pockets with rotten luck and ease. Yeosang had never understood why people even would try because, in fact, when they knew that no one would see them ever again.

Their attempts are; waste of effort.

Yeosang was not the only one crossing the road that day. Hundreds of others were pushing past him to reach the heart, the tree that could be seen from every side of the city, and his feet stumbled to the side now and then, trying to keep up with the force. Raising his head from the ground, he found his eyes land on the huge gathering of people, all waiting for it to happen. His mother had always told him that the chances would be better if he saw when the fall happened. The chances for surviving.

Glancing around at the people, he felt the prejudices surface and move his eyes away whenever one would make eye contact. A mother beside him told her daughter to keep quiet when she asked her mother questions that no one should be asking in a place like this. The silence was pushing the anxiety forward, forcing it to jump from the edge. Yeosang swallowed thickly, retrieving from his wander among the mass, instead focussing at the huge tree with its blood-red leaves there were ready to let go at any moment. He inhaled deeply but was still out of breath afterward as if no air was to breathe. He knew the world was unbreathing at the moment the impact came rushing against the gathering in the heart.

And the wind let the leave flow in the air, rustling out against the people, suddenly it landed in Yeosang's hair. The ones around him scattered away when noticing the first one has landed on the boy, eyes staring horrifiedly at him as fingers were pointed through the masses of gasps. Yeosang stood wide-eyed and glanced at them without moving a single muscle. The blood-red color stood out against his blonde head, dripping down his back as he waited. But to his disbelief, everyone left as if nothing had happened. Not a single soul stayed back at the place, everyone waddled back into their own lives again.

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