No Pen (Joocie)

232 13 17

(Ayo Choco finally updating?)

(Yeah, I'm back! :D) 

(Temporarily until the next chapter-) 

(Anyways, got this idea from a writing prompt. So. Yes) 


You furiously scribbled on a spare paper with your pen, desperate to see ink staining and making a mark on it. The teacher in front has started giving out the test papers. Slowly but surely, time is ticking down, and the now a quarter of the class has already received the paper. Your grip on the pen tighten, with you praying for who knows what so the pen would work.

But nothing, only marks and traces that would remind you of your pen that no longer has ink in it.


An annoyed scowl escape your lips, as you look up and try to find someone you could perhaps borrow from. If only you have remembered yesterday that your pen's ink was running low, you wouldn't be in this situation. But mourning and dwelling about it isn't gonna help you either. So the last thing you could do is probably ask someone and borrow a pen from them.

You turned around to face the classmate behind you, giving them an awkward grin. "Hey, uh, do you by any chance... have a spare pen?" You asked.

You crossed your fingers on both hands, praying that they miraculously had and would lend you the pen. You also prepared ideas to repay them, like helping with their homework or helping them with notes to at least convince them to lend you a pen.

Despite you thinking that it supposedly isn't necessary, people these days just want to have something in return for doing something good.

The kid shook his head, giving you an apologetic smile. "Sorry bud, I only have one pen and I'm using it... maybe you can ask someone else?" He advised.

Oh yeah thank you, that was a VERY helpful advice.

Your eye twitched of annoyance, but you immediately swept that feeling to the side and quickly glance at the teacher. The teacher seem to be caught up since she has graciously dropped the papers to the floor and is now picking them up again.

Good, that should buy you more time.

You immediately turn back and lean towards your desk to tap the kid in front of you. She turned her head around, giving you a questioning look.

"Hey, sorry to bother but do you have a spare pen I could borrow?" You asked. The girl was silent for a second before nodding and zipping open her pencil case. For every second that pass as she dug into her pencil case, the more the anxiety builds up in you. You glanced towards the teacher every five seconds, making sure that she hasn't start the test or anything.

You turn your attention back to the girl in front of you as you heard her mumble something out. "Can you speak louder? I can't really hear you." You bit your lip to not lash out on her. She nodded and then spoke out a bit louder. Not too loud but just enough for you to hear.

"S-Sorry... I don't have any s-spare pen with me..." she quietly spoke out. You unconsciously let out a frustrated sigh, which seems to set her the note that you might be pissed on her. "I'm s-so s-sorry! I really wish I could help you but I don't-"

You wave your hand dismissively at her. "Its fine, thanks for trying."

Okay, that might be too harsh but you can't deal with this right now. Your grades are on the line and the teacher is on the move again.

As you felt like this was probably the end for you, someone from your left tap your desk. You turned your head around, praying that this kid would help you with a spare pen, anything.

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