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3rd pov

As y/n goes back over to the cliff where he was spectating the battle from, he sees his father practically fuming with rage as he looks down at Goku who looks a little nervous at the sight.

Goku: wow what a guy, he won't back down. That's okay neither will I.

Goku then grabs his shoulder in slight as he feels it tingle and warp in an unnatural way.

Goku: but my body might. C'mon body don't give out on me now.

Vegeta: 'to himself' who does he think he is? I'm a super elite, he's nothing but a joke.

Vegeta then wipes his mouth and looks at the glove as he sees his blood on it. Vegeta clenches his fist in rage he looks at Goku and yells as he powers up.

Vegeta: KAKAROT, you and this planet are finished!!! I'll destroy everyone and everything on this planet!!!

Goku: NO YOU CAN'T!!!!

A purple aura engulfs the saiyan prince as he flies high up into the sky and prepares an attack that y/n knows all to well, the Galick gun.


Goku clenches his teeth as generates all the energy he can into his own signature move, the Kamehameha.

Goku: if that blast hits the earth everyone we'll be toast. I have to give this next attack my all or we're all dead. Kaioken times 3

As the two warriors charge up their attacks y/n looks on with great interest and concern his father as the two have been equally matched thus far.

Y/n: this next attack will decide who the victor is. You can beat him father, show him what a super elite can do to lower class trash.


Vegeta: GALICK GUN!!!


Goku and Vegeta fire their attacks at each other and the beams collide with each other creating massive shocks of force pushing back yajirobe and y/n needs to balance himself and shield his eye as not get to blown/blinded by the amount of energy the two we're exerting.
(A/n: seriously these types of scenes are bright and epileptic as fuck.)

As the beam struggle continues Vegeta is getting more angry by the second as he doesn't like how him and Goku are still evenly matched.

Vegeta: NO, I refuse to be beaten by the the likes of you! I am the prince of all saiyans, you are just a lower class dog!!!!

Vegetas anger gives him a small boost in power that starts to slowly push back Goku's Kamehameha.

Goku: he's beginning to push it back, at this rate I won't be able to keep up. This might destroy my body but I've got no other choice I have to use it now!

Goku strains as he says the one thing that'll give him the power boost he needs to end the fight.

Goku: KAIOKEN TIMES 4!!!!!!!!!

Goku's aura gets bigger and becomes a more darker shade of red as the massive power boost instantly starts to overpower Vegeta and his attack.

Vegeta: Impossible, he's beating me!

Goku give one last burst of power as the Kamehameha overpowers Vegeta as the prince is consumed by the blast. As the beam dies down and everything looks normal Vegeta is nowhere in sight presumably dead as Goku looks on relief that he won against the prince of saiyans. Y/n looked on with great shock and sadness not seeing his father anywhere thinking the worst happened. That sadness was slowly turning into raging fury thinking his father was dead and the killer was right in front of him. He was about to go and murder Goku until he saw something rapidly falling to the ground and breathed the biggest sigh of relief he could as he soon saw it was his father who was falling. As Vegeta fell on the ground Goku and yajirobe we're shocked to see him still alive after the attack he endured. Yajirobe was about to go and finish the job until he saw y/n flying towards them to help his dad from being killed for real. Y/n landed in front of his dad and yajirobe instantly backed off being scared at the sight of the kid in front of him as y/n picked up his father's unconscious body and set him down by some rocks a small ways away. As y/n set his father down he turned around to yajirobe and goku who was on the ground in pain because of the overuse of the kaioken and was slowly walking towards them with murderous intent for what he did to his dad.

A/n: and that's the end of this chapter. What will Goku do save him and the planet from destruction from the other saiyan prince? Find out next chapter, and feedback is always appreciated.

Until next time guys, happy Thanksgiving peace ✌️

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