4th Chapter

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Bilik Sewa Hafiy

"That girl really testing my patience! Just who is she?!" Hafiy melepaskan geram sebaik video callnya bersambung dengan Henry. Henry hanya tayang muka tenang sambil menyedut jus lobak.

"She's the legendary Kokkuri-san." Jawab Henry dengan senyuman.

"Did you enjoy my suffering huh? I have been walking on eggshells since she said she know EVERYTHING about me. I can't focus on solving our problem because of that. Damn." Hafiy mengeluh dan dia ternampak pen hadiah daripada Mia.

Melihat pen tersebut buat dia kembali sakit hati. Dia kemudian menarik nafas dalam, menenangkan dirinya.

"Okay, forget about that. So far, any update about the case?" soal Hafiy pada Henry.

"As far as I know, the prosecutor have issue an arrest warrant and there's nothing that we can use as alibi. Thought I'm sure they have the CCTV of that night but they insisted on the fact that we have the strongest motive of murder based on the fight happened the night before." Jawab Henry. Hafiy mengeluh.

"That damn old man! He even try to sabotage me even after he died." Hafiy bengang. Henry ketawa di hujung talian.

"I'll try my best to get the CCTV and prove our innocence but the problem right now is, who and why did that person killed Chief?"

"And why that person framed us. I hate Chief but someone must loath him more to the extent of murdering him. We need to solve this quickly, Henry. I get bad feeling if I live here much longer." Hafiy bermain dengan pen itu di tangannya.

"Be patient and keep low. I heard the local police start searching for you." kata Henry dengan nada risau.

"Yeah..." jawab Hafiy sepatah dan dia kembali teringat kejadian malam itu dimana saat dia sedang menyorok dari polis dan Mia tiba-tiba muncul.

Macam mana dia tahu aku ada kat situ? desis Hafiy. Dia melihat pen pemberian Mia.

"But you know what, I think following her idea is not that bad. I mean, if you get married, it will make you clear from any suspicion. There's no criminal that is on a run will settle down." Kata Henry. Hafiy hanya memberi pandangan tajam kepada Henry.

"Anyway, be careful. I'll take care of the things here and I'll send you the information I found." Kata Henry kemudian talian dimatikan.

Hafiy bersandar pada kerusi sambil matanya masih melihat pen tersebut.

This is annoying.


2P Cafe

"Haaaaaaaa" Mia mengeluh berat sebaik dia sampai di meja di mana Maria sudahpun menunggu dirinya. Mereka berjanji mahu keluar shopping bersama hari ini.

"Kau kenapa? Kita baru jumpa, kau dah mengeluh." soal Maria.

"Aku nak kahwin tapi tak ada calon yang sesuai." Mia mengeluh lagi.

"Are you that desperate to get married?" soalan Maria dibalas dengan anggukan daripada Mia. Maria menggeleng.

"Aku tak faham kau tapi nah buku menu. Order makanan yang kau nak." Maria menghulurkan buku menu untuk Mia.

"Kau dah order ke?" soal Mia sambil dia membaca menu yang tertera. Maria mengangguk.

"Salad?" soal Mia.

"As usual." Jawab Maria sambil mengangguk.

"Aku dengar nutritionist kau yang sebelum ni pun resign kan. Dah ada yang ganti ke?" soal Mia.

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