16th Chapter

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"Did you found Adam?" soal lelaki itu. Sudah tiga hari mereka di sini, namun Adam Baker atau Hafiy masih belum dapat dikesan.

"Not yet sir. There was no trace of him being here." Orang suruhannya menggeleng. Lelaki itu menggenggam tangannya kuat.

"But! We have found something interesting." Orang suruhannya menghulurkan beberapa helai kertas dan gambar.

"Who are they?" soal lelaki itu.

"They are the people from the picture where we manage to detect Adam. After we have track them, this particular woman is suspicious." Orang suruhannya menuding ke wajah Mia.

"This woman identity is suspicious and from looking at other picture, we manage to catch a glimpse of this woman being so close with Adam." Orang suruhan tadi menunjukkan gambar selfie Maria dan Jenny yang telah di zoom, menampakkan Mia dan Hafiy sedang berbual di belakang.

Lelaki itu membaca maklumat Mia dan dia ketawa.

"She used to be a part of this? What a catch."

Lelaki tadi kemudian kembali serius.

"Follow and find more about her. She might be a useful piece to go against Adam."


Somewhere in US

"Don't worry, you are safe here. Please have a seat Dr Jax." Hafiy berjalan ke arah seorang lelaki yang bernama Dr Jax.

"I supposed you are Mr Adam Baker? The main suspect of this hot case." Dr Jax dan Hafiy berjabat tangan.

"You have done your study. So how about we go straight to the point. Please show me the initial forensic and post-mortem report of Chief Williams."


"This is impossible. How did it change?" soal Dr Jax tidak percaya. Dia yakin dia tidak salah menghantar laporan pada pendakwa raya.

"I'm sure that I write Ricin Poisoning as the cause of death. How does it change to Cyanide Poisoning?" Dr Jax berkata sendiri. Balik-balik dia melihat laporan asal dan laporan yang berada di tangan pendakwa raya.

"Ricin had been illegal since 2019." Kata Henry.

"It's highly toxic and have no antidote. And it can kill within 36 hours of exposure. Even small amount can kill a man. And Chief had ingested a high amount of that." tambah Dr Jax.

"The killer use Ricin to kill chief and tempered with the report, change it to Cyanide Poisoning so that it can match my movement? How interesting." Wajah Hafiy menegang.

"Oh yeah, wasn't a day before the murder you went to a jewellery shop? To buy your mom a gift." Hafiy mengangguk dengan kata-kata Henry.

"And they use that as proof saying that I went to the jewellery shop to buy cyanide. They even fabricated the receipt to prove my purchase there." kata Hafiy.

How meticulous. Dia even tahu ke mana aku pergi. Maknanya ni kerja orang yang dekat dengan aku. Tapi siapa?

"Then, can't we go and make the seller admit it? That you are not buying the cyanide there?" soal Dr Jax. Henry dan Hafiy serentak menggeleng.

"If we go there, the authority will know that we are here. We might get caught before we can prove our innocence." Kata Henry.

"Also, it's obvious that the seller have been bribe. He even dare to fabricate the receipt." Tambah Henry.

"Then I will go to the Ricin seller. He must know who bought it. It won't be too many because not many knows about Ricin." Hafiy membuat keputusan.

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