I'm sorry.

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This chapters a little shorter than the others, but the next one is going to be REALLY long in comparison, so I thought I'd get the important part of it in this chapter so that there isn't too much happening in the next chapter. Enjoy xx.


I couldn't do anything, but stare in horror as I stared at Hikaru. He was moving around wiggling around trying to pull himself together, even from so far away I could hear him trying to keep in his painful screams.

"He moves around a lot doesn't he? And he's so loud, can't you die quietly? We're trying to have a civilised converstation." She turned to him and kicked him across the room.

"Civilised? You dare call yourself civilised after what you've just done to him, as well as what you've done to Yui, they're both drowning in their own blood, and it's all because of you. I've never been so disgusted!"

"Yuki. You kill Shadow Crawlers for a living, I'm sure your just exagerating. Besides I thought we were best friends, you can't hate me that much. And don't forget that I'm the one that got rid of that pesky human and I even returned your sister to you. So really you should thank me." I merely stood there and stared at her.

"The day I thank you, is the day I die. Damn you!" I charged towards Hikaru hoping I could save him. But as I had, Jamie grabbed my stretched out arm, and threw me across the room. The next thing I knew I had a needle in my arm, Jamie was smiling at me... the room turned blurry and then all I saw was black.

"Wake up! Yuki Wake up!!!" I heard a familiar voice screaming out to me, It was Hikaru! I stumbled around for a moment fidgeting side to side, all I could hear were faint screams calling my name, I turned and found Yui hanging there next to Hikaru, with their arms and legs bound by thick ropes.

"So letting you scream did wake her up." I could recognise that repulsive voice anywhere, Jamie.

"What the hell!?" I looked down at my feet to see them tied up with the same thick rope that held Hikaru and Yui.

"What did you do to me Jamie?" She merely smirked at my question.

"Why what on Earth do you mean Yuki?" She was pretending like she didn't just tie me up. Or bit my friend, or kidnapped my sister. Anger began to absorb me, it surrounded me. All the pain, the agony, every bit of emotion I'd held back for the past ten years, the darkness that was always around me. I decided to try and grasp these feelings, I broke free of the ropes that bound me and charged towards Jamie, no way is she going to win again.

"Jamie!" I charged towards her, I grabbed my sword that had managed to fall at some point since I'd arrived (she always carries her sword by the way), I unsheathed it and lunged towards her. She just stood there and took it. I pulled the sword from her stomach and backed off, knowing what was going to happen.

"You... stabbed me. My best... friend stabbed... me." She once again smiled, blood still stained her teeth. I glared her with destain, I'd had enough, I was once again surrounded in a blizzard of ice and cherry blossoms, my white hair and red eyes shining through, I'd lost any patience I had with her.

"Die." With those words, my sword became a blur moving so fast, mortal eyes would never have seen it coming. I jabbed at her with my sword constantly, all attempts to move failed. The final stab to her chest was finally what got her, a mixture of her blood and mine flowed off of the end of the blade, as it exited from her chest through her back, her heart at the end of it.

"Wow, took about stealing my heart huh? So you really do hate me now. Your pure blood really does kill evil Shadow Crawlers like myself eh?"

"Shut up Jamie! You made me believe that Yui and you were dead, made me think that I shouldn't trust anyone..."

"We both know Yuki, you barely trusted me when we met, you... hated everyone." She coughed up blood and smiled at me.

"I never trusted for a reason, you just managed to confirm my beliefs of the human race, it took a long time for me to trust again, but no you had to kill her."

"If... your talking about Eva, then no. You killed her Yuki, I just told her the truth about her supposed friend." Jamie stared regretfully towards me.

"You turned her into a Shadow Crawler, she shot me and then shot herself, YOU killed her not me. Jamie... what the hell were you thinking that day." I wanted to make sense of everything before she died.

"Ha! You've changed a lot since we last met Yuki. But everytime I saw someone you cared about, it made me angry. You were the friend I couldn't keep, on top of that, your blood always smelt the best yet I knew that if I drank it, your blood would kill me, kind of like it is now. I want you... to know... you and Yui really were... the best friend a girl like me... could ever have. No matter how old you were one hundred or one thousand, you looked after me and watched my back all the time. I can't thank you enough, your friend over there will be... fine, I patched him up, he's OK, a lot of blood lost but... he's fine." Tears fell from her face, her arms and legs became engulfed in the colour grey, becoming stone. But just before she was fully gone I heard a whisper.

"I'm not the only one... that's going to try and kill you Yuki... there are a lot more.... I'm really sorry Yuki, I didn't want to do... any.. of.. it..." and with that she was gone.

I ran towards Hikaru and Yui, just to find Hikaru on the floor and Yui gone.

"She left." Said Hikaru, he truely looked scared, and after a few minutes of checking his injuries, he passed out. Knowing Yui was alive, was all I needed. I felt no need to chase after her, because I knew we would cross paths again, at that time, getting Hikaru home and looked after were all that mattered to me.

"I'm sorry." Her voice echoed through my mind continously all the way back to where, I hoped was home. Back to Blood headquaters.

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